Tuesday, March 1, 2011

OK, since I was schooled today, ironically at school, on the fact that my countdown was "off," I suppose it is true that, tonight, I have to say goodbye to my 30's. Yep, last day as a 39 year old, and tomorrow it is on to 40...on to the second half of my life...I am certainly ready, definitely excited, and in every way anticipating great things ahead.

But oddly enough, aside from that, tonight, I got nothin'.

It has been a long day.
I'm tired.
I'm ready for bed.

So, as lacking in insight and wit as this is...I am done.
Sure, I will probably come back tomorrow, with a birthday update.
And, maybe next week, I will give an early assessment of how my new number is suiting me, but in fact, it will be time to move on to another projectt, perhaps another blog, as well. This one has been a wonderful experience, and has helped me to commit myself to writing every day for a year. I developed a plan and I saw it through, but let's face it, the title "Thirtysomething, Farewell" is definitive.
Today, it is done.
Thank you to everyone who traveled this road with me.

I love you all,

PS Also, "Sixteen Candles" is on VH1 Classic...you know the sucker I am for a John Hughes film...and this one...HELLO?! My fave!

Monday, February 28, 2011

"Three Days to 40"
And I am letting go a big sigh. It's not a sigh of relief, but more so of frustration as we had YET another car issue today. I was on my way to school and heard a funny whirring sound, then tried to turn left in Red Creek and had to crank on the wheel like I used to on my VW Rabbit in Highschool. Yeah, the vehicle that had no power steering. Ends up that we have a busted hose from our power steering pump, not a major fix, but REALLY. I am about DONE with cars.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

"Four Days to 40"

I spent some time today looking back through my blog, and sort of trying to pick out recurrent themes...things that bring me down, things that bring me up and the sort. One thing I have surely learned through this blog is that I love a good Friday. But I have also learned how to prevent the "Sunday Grumpies" getting me down. One method for this is to treat myself well, at all times, but in particular on Sundays. Today, on the way home from groceries, I swung into Mickey D's and picked up a Shamrock Shake.

Now interestingly enough, I only tried a Shamrock Shake for the first time a few years ago. Tim has always loved them and I always shied away. I distinctly know why too. My mom, and possibly my dad as well, didn't really like Shamrock Shakes, and I actually mean this to the point that she pointed out that they were gross each year when they came out. Now I really don't know if this was because she didn't like them, or if it was just to quiet my youthful requesting for one, but nonetheless, it turned out to be a memory ingrained. Tim and I were out and about a few years ago, and he convinced me to try one. Low and behold, it was love at first sip. Lightly minty vanilla....mmmmm...heaven!

You know, to stick with the motherly advice here, not always is it bad. Tim's mom used to get him to try new foods by saying "Your taste buds might have grown." I may be on the brink of 40, and a little less that thrilled with some of the changes in my body, but I sure am glad my taste buds have grown, in a lot of ways. I love that, now, I can fully appreciate a Shamrock Shake. I love that I "get" wine and craft beer. I love that I can decadently enjoy a $100 dinner out with my husband every once in a great while, feeling no guilt about it whatsoever. I love that I have come to love brussel sprouts, and fennel, and swiss chard.

You never know when your tastes, not to mention your taste buds just might grown up.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

"Five Days to 40"

Kinda feel like we are into the "Final Countdown" (thanks Europe for that one...) of sorts. 5 days to 40, and I intend to make the most of them.

Today was a great day.

Devin went over to his friend Anthony's, and Gwynn, Tim and I went to Downtown Deli in Auburn, and shopping for Devin's birthday, mostly because we also needed to hit the Honda dealer to finish up some business with them. We got home, and I whipped up some yummy chicken casserole and Anthony came here for dinner, so he could join Tim, Dev and Gwynn at the Oswego hockey game.

Of course, savvy planner that I am, that move landed me ALONE in my HOUSE tonight! And I am LOVIN' it! I'm blasting Adele (again), drinking wine, and rearranging my closet with some new hangers I picked up at Marshall's today.

Again, it's the little things...isn't it always...or at least isn't it most of the time? I mean, a well placed big thing is fine now and again too, don't get me wrong, and also you may get your dirty minds out of the gutter:), but the simple pleasures, ahhhh, when you really take them in they sure can take you far!

Onward to 40!

Friday, February 25, 2011

So strange how life ends up with a backdrop soundtrack. Today's was Adele. Wonderful singer. Powerful singer. I will forever connect her new album "21" with today, it seems.

Our day today began with a blizzard like snowfall. Our family did what we always do on a snowed in day; hunkered down, surrendered, and made the most of it. We made waffles, read books, played games, watched a movie, and made cozy food for dinner. Adele has been playing most of the afternoon, thanks to Susan lending me her CD yesterday. "19" was on my iTunes already, and so that has been our background vocal as well.

As the sun began to show itself across the bay, and the boys finally ventured outside for snowblowing and shoveling, Gwynn and I finished up making dinner and getting the table set. Interestingly enough, a "talk" evolved, as they so often do, in those quiet moments when you are side by side doing the everyday things you do as a family. While I won't go into details for the sake of mother/daughter confidence, we can just say it was a Judy moment. I will be going out to buy a few Judy titles for a certain birthday that is coming up, for a certain girl, who, most certainly is growing up into a beautiful, smart, and overall amazing young woman.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Yep, I have been gone for days! Wow! As I have done before, over school vacations and such, I had to get AWAY! This February break we started with a funeral, and then went back down to Lansing for a bit. I consciously disconnected, and took some time out. Still, it feels good to be back blogging...knowing full well that the "end" is near. Thirtysomething, I truly do need to say farewell to you soon.

But not today.

And today was a wonderful day! Sue came over with the kids and a whole crew went out to ice fish while we talked, and talked, and talked! We started with coffee and banana bread, moved on to chili and wine, and ended with Toasted Coconut cookies! It was just plain wonderful! She and I always joke that we, if we are lucky, have our 7 minutes to talk on any given workday. This year, our classrooms are closer than they have ever been, but it seems we have been more swamped, less able to attain 7 minutes. Today, we banked up a lot of those 7 minutes to carry us through some more of the school year.

One of the days we were down in Lansing, mom and I spent pretty much the entire day talking as well, and it was great! I feel so blessed to have the women I have in my life. An amazing mom, amazing friends, THAT is what life is all about.

Friday, February 18, 2011

"Finally Friday"

And the real Coconut Friday arrives, and with it vacation. How sweet it is!

It was really a great day, too. We went to Tim's uncle Will's funeral in Lansing, and it was a nice time, not to mention the nice weather. It felt positively balmy, which, I think, perhaps, Will had something to do with. Then, Mom suggested that Gwynn stay over since we are just headed down again tomorrow. She was happy to do so, and Tim and I, suddenly kid free, hit Treleaven winery on the way home. We even ended up with an hour or two ALONE, before Devin came home from Bowling Sectionals, which, incidently, were tons of fun. This evening has just been a nice, peaceful, night at home, the three of us.

It was a good day, certainly a good start to vacation, and only the beginning of a WHOLE WEEK with NOTHING to do!