Thursday, February 24, 2011

Yep, I have been gone for days! Wow! As I have done before, over school vacations and such, I had to get AWAY! This February break we started with a funeral, and then went back down to Lansing for a bit. I consciously disconnected, and took some time out. Still, it feels good to be back blogging...knowing full well that the "end" is near. Thirtysomething, I truly do need to say farewell to you soon.

But not today.

And today was a wonderful day! Sue came over with the kids and a whole crew went out to ice fish while we talked, and talked, and talked! We started with coffee and banana bread, moved on to chili and wine, and ended with Toasted Coconut cookies! It was just plain wonderful! She and I always joke that we, if we are lucky, have our 7 minutes to talk on any given workday. This year, our classrooms are closer than they have ever been, but it seems we have been more swamped, less able to attain 7 minutes. Today, we banked up a lot of those 7 minutes to carry us through some more of the school year.

One of the days we were down in Lansing, mom and I spent pretty much the entire day talking as well, and it was great! I feel so blessed to have the women I have in my life. An amazing mom, amazing friends, THAT is what life is all about.

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