Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dear Cute Guy at Price Chopper this Late Sunday Afternoon,

My Sunday Gratitude goes to you. As embarrassing as it may be, you made my Sunday "chore" of grocery shopping for my family so much more interesting.

Now, I am not one to hate on grocery shopping. Long ago, I surrendered to cooking, knowing that feeding my family is my responsibility, and that 3 meals a day 365 days a year may as well be fun. Each week, I go out with a list in hand that has at least a few obscure items...fresh basil or sage, garam masala, frozen okra. I hunt them down happily, usually with a smile on my face, and singing or whistling along to the muzak, specially marketed to my liking as I am in their shoppers demographic for sure.

Today, though, you caught my eye, and I yours.

It was about halfway through the store. You had on a black tee shirt, and some nice boots. Yeah. I noticed. I had on my cute grey scoopneck sweater/funky hardware style necklace combo that I wore late yesterday to Syracuse for an evening out with the family. It looked good then, and looked even better on a Sunday at the Chopper in Oswego, when most people were in sweats.

A couple of aisles later I passed by you again, and this time I know we caught eachothers eye.

Then came dairy. My flirting was blatent at this point so I threw some good beer in the cart as well. Guilt beer...guy flowers...whatever you want to call it in it went.

As I checked out, I shamelessly looked for you, but you were no where to be seen. I paid for my food and started to roll my cart to the exit. That's when I saw you again, in an express lane. Seriously? All that time I was there you only got 13 items - or LESS? Hmmmm...maybe you really were checking me out. A 39 year old girl can dream after all. I glanced in your direction and you smiled. Yeah, that was all the confirmation I needed.

Granted, I almost backed my van into the row of cars behind me as I rubbernecked for you in the parking lot, but hey, it made for a fun afternoon for sure!

Thanks again,

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