Bought a black 2008 Honda Certified Used CR-V and we are loving it! It is so cute, and totally reminds us of our 98 Ford Focus, but on steroids! Yeah us!
Wow, that looks awesome! Nice job coming over to the Honda side. I love Hondas. It is so funny, though - when I saw the picture, I thought "ooooo, what kind of car is THAT?!" It doesn't even look like a distant relation of my 2000 black (okay, salt-colored) Honda CRV!!! I still love my ratty old car, though, and hope it can make it through the end of this school year anyway.
Wow, that looks awesome! Nice job coming over to the Honda side. I love Hondas. It is so funny, though - when I saw the picture, I thought "ooooo, what kind of car is THAT?!" It doesn't even look like a distant relation of my 2000 black (okay, salt-colored) Honda CRV!!! I still love my ratty old car, though, and hope it can make it through the end of this school year anyway.