Monday, June 28, 2010

Oh my dear sweet blog I have missed you so! You know something has become a real habit when you miss it this much!

Summer has begun, and has been non-stop already. We finished work Friday, went to camp Saturday to Sunday (thus no internet), ran to Lansing Sunday for Uncle Jimmy's funeral, which brings us to today. I am calling today my "official" kick-off to summer, and the first of the "Sole Sisters Photo Project," thus the foot shot, that will occationally grace this blog.

I had the nicest day today, doing nothing different than any other regular weekend day, but I did it on a MONDAY! There is such a different energy to the grocery store on a Monday. No one is in a rush, people are quietly going about their own business, things are picked up, well stocked, and you have time to linger, and choose, and create meals. I got home at my normal grocery hour, about 4, but had NO concern about getting dinner going. Dinner could happen in the next hour, or two, or even three, as we had no real time table, and no obligations to worry about for tomorrow. And best of all, I didn't need to pack ANY lunches!

Welcome summer, you are clearly here.

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