Monday, June 7, 2010

Homework...ah, homework.

It was another one of those "teach all day teach all night" kind of day. It is certainly the downfall of being an educator, feeling like the things you deal with all day, are the same things you must assist your own kids with at night. Sometimes it feels like work never ends and you go right back to the same thing in the morning.

Gwynn, being in third grade, and VERY able, really doesn't need much help yet when it comes to homework. She is also very responsible, very self directed, and, I think, still finds homework fun. Devin on the other hand, has been a much harder sell, but is starting to come into his own.

Tonight, he had a 200 word essay to write on the book Al Capone Does My Shirts. He had already done his research, about Alcatraz, and fired off a 297 word report in record time. It was very well written too! When he asked me to "look it over," though, I was very much reminded of how I learned to write. I'll give some credit to my teachers of course, but so much credit goes to my mom. Mom would sit with me, and read over my work, and help me with phrasing, sentence fragments, subject verb agreement, tenses, and overall style. Then it was up to me to put all we talked about into my final copy, and to edit. Tonight, I was mom. Life sure does come full circle.

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