Saturday, July 3, 2010

..and, I was taking some quiet time today, with Frog Buddha, on my newly tricked out front porch, and he said, "You seem to be missing your brooding self." Aside from the fact that I am becoming a little wary of my connection with a ceramic frog, I also think he may have a point.

I mentioned a couple of days ago, the fact that my blogging has sucked since school ended, and I attributed that to my creative self being fed through other activities, but think I may have nailed down another issue as well. In part, in a nutshell, I am happy, blissed out, and completely and totally de-stressed. I think a big part of the reason I write is to escape, but here I am, happily present in my day to day life, and I can't find anything to write about. But, I also think that in not being wrapped up in the work "machine" I am less of the brooding mind than I usually am. And a lot of my writing, my drifting, my thinking off, comes from when I feel penned in.

Then again, it also occurred to me that it might be something else. Maybe my blogging has sucked because I haven't been following my normal routine. Where did Coconut Fridays, Random Thought Saturdays, and Sunday/Sundaes go? It is that general thing that happens, when you don't work, where you forget the date, and where every day is the weekend. It is the phenomenon of summer, arriving and bucking all normalcy to hell. It can be a lot of fun when it starts, but then that uncomfortable feeling creeps in, making you realize routine exists for a reason, sanity mainly, and also, I guess, so that you can maintain your normal everyday existence, which in my case includes this daily commitment to write.

I'm not going to start to get all broody here, unnecessarily. But, while I am exceedingly happy, I guess what I am putting out, to myself and all of you, right now, is, it is time to find the blog routine of the summer...but wait, first is Fair Haven 4th of July, oh, and then we're going on vacation to Maryland next week, wait, and then...well, we'll let the routine emerge as it may. I am sure it will.

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