Monday, July 19, 2010


Looked back at my last two blogs, and ahead at the notes to self that I have scratched on a pad by the computer and realized I inadvertently have a little pattern emerging...The R's of Summer! I know! I love it! Not only in the way that it plays off of my normal routine of school, but even more so because it just kind of happened, organically, through disciplined writerly awareness. My mojo is coming back!

So today, the theme is resurrect. Don't worry, I'm not going all religious on you, but I am talking about a phenomenon that takes place in my house every summer...the resurrection of old toys. It usually happens prior to Christmas as well, but at that time it seems to be an attempt to justify new acquisitions, "See Santa, I play with all the old toys, and if you will notice as well, I do so ever so nicely! Surely I am well deserving of new and exciting things to add to my piles?" Yeah, and as calculating and predictable as it is, it works every time. Has forever according to my mom, as she says my brother and I did it too, each and every year, without fail. What goes around comes around I guess.

In the summer, though, I feel it is simply that operative of TIME. Time available, for necessary things, and unnecessary things, such as frittering away the day just going through old stuff, to enjoy things from the past, or to think off on things that had been tucked away in a busier time. It is something I do every summer, under the guise of cleaning, but I see the kids do it as well. Devin, for the last several days, has been engrossed in his old Harry Potter books, and also his Legos, building a lot of everything and nothing all at once. Gwynn is into her Barbies, old and new, like she hasn't been in months, and has a whole house laid out in her bedroom. We have Barbies from the 70's lunching with Barbies from 2010 creating cross cultural girlfriends that no doubt are helping her process her thoughts and feelings about her own friendships. It is really a sight to see.

So joyously, let the resurrection begin in your own home...who knows, Transformers old and new might meet up and put together their own little trip to the hunting lodge. Or perhaps Dora will convince Chatty Kathy that a little trip to the Mexican Riviera would be, how do you say it, magnifico?

And as you resurrect, and the old meets the new, in both objects and actions, through both, you might just find that you are renewed, and refreshed. Bring on the piles of JUNK and bring on the self discovery!

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