Tuesday, March 1, 2011

OK, since I was schooled today, ironically at school, on the fact that my countdown was "off," I suppose it is true that, tonight, I have to say goodbye to my 30's. Yep, last day as a 39 year old, and tomorrow it is on to 40...on to the second half of my life...I am certainly ready, definitely excited, and in every way anticipating great things ahead.

But oddly enough, aside from that, tonight, I got nothin'.

It has been a long day.
I'm tired.
I'm ready for bed.

So, as lacking in insight and wit as this is...I am done.
Sure, I will probably come back tomorrow, with a birthday update.
And, maybe next week, I will give an early assessment of how my new number is suiting me, but in fact, it will be time to move on to another projectt, perhaps another blog, as well. This one has been a wonderful experience, and has helped me to commit myself to writing every day for a year. I developed a plan and I saw it through, but let's face it, the title "Thirtysomething, Farewell" is definitive.
Today, it is done.
Thank you to everyone who traveled this road with me.

I love you all,

PS Also, "Sixteen Candles" is on VH1 Classic...you know the sucker I am for a John Hughes film...and this one...HELLO?! My fave!

Monday, February 28, 2011

"Three Days to 40"
And I am letting go a big sigh. It's not a sigh of relief, but more so of frustration as we had YET another car issue today. I was on my way to school and heard a funny whirring sound, then tried to turn left in Red Creek and had to crank on the wheel like I used to on my VW Rabbit in Highschool. Yeah, the vehicle that had no power steering. Ends up that we have a busted hose from our power steering pump, not a major fix, but REALLY. I am about DONE with cars.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

"Four Days to 40"

I spent some time today looking back through my blog, and sort of trying to pick out recurrent themes...things that bring me down, things that bring me up and the sort. One thing I have surely learned through this blog is that I love a good Friday. But I have also learned how to prevent the "Sunday Grumpies" getting me down. One method for this is to treat myself well, at all times, but in particular on Sundays. Today, on the way home from groceries, I swung into Mickey D's and picked up a Shamrock Shake.

Now interestingly enough, I only tried a Shamrock Shake for the first time a few years ago. Tim has always loved them and I always shied away. I distinctly know why too. My mom, and possibly my dad as well, didn't really like Shamrock Shakes, and I actually mean this to the point that she pointed out that they were gross each year when they came out. Now I really don't know if this was because she didn't like them, or if it was just to quiet my youthful requesting for one, but nonetheless, it turned out to be a memory ingrained. Tim and I were out and about a few years ago, and he convinced me to try one. Low and behold, it was love at first sip. Lightly minty vanilla....mmmmm...heaven!

You know, to stick with the motherly advice here, not always is it bad. Tim's mom used to get him to try new foods by saying "Your taste buds might have grown." I may be on the brink of 40, and a little less that thrilled with some of the changes in my body, but I sure am glad my taste buds have grown, in a lot of ways. I love that, now, I can fully appreciate a Shamrock Shake. I love that I "get" wine and craft beer. I love that I can decadently enjoy a $100 dinner out with my husband every once in a great while, feeling no guilt about it whatsoever. I love that I have come to love brussel sprouts, and fennel, and swiss chard.

You never know when your tastes, not to mention your taste buds just might grown up.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

"Five Days to 40"

Kinda feel like we are into the "Final Countdown" (thanks Europe for that one...) of sorts. 5 days to 40, and I intend to make the most of them.

Today was a great day.

Devin went over to his friend Anthony's, and Gwynn, Tim and I went to Downtown Deli in Auburn, and shopping for Devin's birthday, mostly because we also needed to hit the Honda dealer to finish up some business with them. We got home, and I whipped up some yummy chicken casserole and Anthony came here for dinner, so he could join Tim, Dev and Gwynn at the Oswego hockey game.

Of course, savvy planner that I am, that move landed me ALONE in my HOUSE tonight! And I am LOVIN' it! I'm blasting Adele (again), drinking wine, and rearranging my closet with some new hangers I picked up at Marshall's today.

Again, it's the little things...isn't it always...or at least isn't it most of the time? I mean, a well placed big thing is fine now and again too, don't get me wrong, and also you may get your dirty minds out of the gutter:), but the simple pleasures, ahhhh, when you really take them in they sure can take you far!

Onward to 40!

Friday, February 25, 2011

So strange how life ends up with a backdrop soundtrack. Today's was Adele. Wonderful singer. Powerful singer. I will forever connect her new album "21" with today, it seems.

Our day today began with a blizzard like snowfall. Our family did what we always do on a snowed in day; hunkered down, surrendered, and made the most of it. We made waffles, read books, played games, watched a movie, and made cozy food for dinner. Adele has been playing most of the afternoon, thanks to Susan lending me her CD yesterday. "19" was on my iTunes already, and so that has been our background vocal as well.

As the sun began to show itself across the bay, and the boys finally ventured outside for snowblowing and shoveling, Gwynn and I finished up making dinner and getting the table set. Interestingly enough, a "talk" evolved, as they so often do, in those quiet moments when you are side by side doing the everyday things you do as a family. While I won't go into details for the sake of mother/daughter confidence, we can just say it was a Judy moment. I will be going out to buy a few Judy titles for a certain birthday that is coming up, for a certain girl, who, most certainly is growing up into a beautiful, smart, and overall amazing young woman.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Yep, I have been gone for days! Wow! As I have done before, over school vacations and such, I had to get AWAY! This February break we started with a funeral, and then went back down to Lansing for a bit. I consciously disconnected, and took some time out. Still, it feels good to be back blogging...knowing full well that the "end" is near. Thirtysomething, I truly do need to say farewell to you soon.

But not today.

And today was a wonderful day! Sue came over with the kids and a whole crew went out to ice fish while we talked, and talked, and talked! We started with coffee and banana bread, moved on to chili and wine, and ended with Toasted Coconut cookies! It was just plain wonderful! She and I always joke that we, if we are lucky, have our 7 minutes to talk on any given workday. This year, our classrooms are closer than they have ever been, but it seems we have been more swamped, less able to attain 7 minutes. Today, we banked up a lot of those 7 minutes to carry us through some more of the school year.

One of the days we were down in Lansing, mom and I spent pretty much the entire day talking as well, and it was great! I feel so blessed to have the women I have in my life. An amazing mom, amazing friends, THAT is what life is all about.

Friday, February 18, 2011

"Finally Friday"

And the real Coconut Friday arrives, and with it vacation. How sweet it is!

It was really a great day, too. We went to Tim's uncle Will's funeral in Lansing, and it was a nice time, not to mention the nice weather. It felt positively balmy, which, I think, perhaps, Will had something to do with. Then, Mom suggested that Gwynn stay over since we are just headed down again tomorrow. She was happy to do so, and Tim and I, suddenly kid free, hit Treleaven winery on the way home. We even ended up with an hour or two ALONE, before Devin came home from Bowling Sectionals, which, incidently, were tons of fun. This evening has just been a nice, peaceful, night at home, the three of us.

It was a good day, certainly a good start to vacation, and only the beginning of a WHOLE WEEK with NOTHING to do!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

"Topsy Turvy Thursday"
Calling today Coconut Friday...cause I can...cause I am off work tomorrow. Granted it is for Will Schempp's funeral, but what better way to honor Will than with a Coconut Friday. As he was quoted..."Work is a way to fund a good time." Here's to you Will...hope you are boating in the Keys in spirit!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

And now we bring you Wacky Wednesday. And Oprah, you are messing with my mind. Today on her show she said this...

"We teach what we most need to learn."

Oprah, I teach 4th grade all day. What does that MEAN? Are you saying I need to learn my math facts????? Come on! Or maybe it is something more.

Do I need to better learn how to work a fart joke into a conversation, because my boys are ALL about a fart joke! Do I need to learn how to keep a messy desk and not have the teacher notice? Do I need to learn how to be quiet in the halls and at appropriate times? (wait - I kinda DO need to learn that as I am the Queen of Blurting Out)

I don't know, but phew, Oprah, you have my head spinning!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Phew. And we have "Tackled Tuesday."

Today's list of crazy included an early morning Inventive Minds meeting for Gwynn, work all day, then County Roll Offs for Devin for bowling and dance tonight for Gwynn. Needless to say it was a leftover kind of night for dinner. We had fish tacos last night, and tonight, while having one, again, I took a look at the bag of tortilla chips that we had indeed reached the bottom of. Family Size.

You know, I used to only buy Family Size when we were having a family gathering. Now, it seems, we are doing family size all the time. I guess it was inevitable. For all practical purposes, we have 4 adult appetites in the house these days. I got a Family pack of pork chops this week, fully intending to cook all of them in order to have a meal, and to have leftovers. I do believe it is certain that the days of the meager, or even reasonable, Price Chopper bill are long gone.

This week, I was talking to a man who was behind me in the grocery line, about the fact that my (almost) teenage son is eating me out of house and home. He told me to enjoy it. I have a photo of Devin at about 18 - 20 months old, standing at the refrigerator with the door open getting at the food. These days, that sight is quite the familiar one again. I ought to take another picture and frame them, side by side, in the side by side.

Now, if I could only find the man who would sympathize with me so much in the grocery line that he would in turn pay my bill. Maybe wishful thinking, but a mom can dream!

Monday, February 14, 2011

I just don't have it in me tonight. We are SO busy this week. The kids have stuff every night, along with haircuts, a meeting with the insurance adjuster for the car on Wednesday, and hey, you can even top it off with a funeral on Friday. Sigh. I do know that vacation in coming though, so tonight's motto...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I have really done a great deal this year to reign in my Sunday Grumpies, and while Sunday will never be my favorite day of the week, we are having a much better relationship as of late. Today was a great day. Spent the morning snuggled with my family in the snowed in house, drinking my coffee and watching CBS Sunday morning, which, after a segment on him, segued into a Herb Alpert music fest. Finally, it was time to get moving, and I stopped in to see Sue at her new house, and left Gwynn there to play while I got groceries. This evening started with a wonderful dinner, where I even tried a new veggie, swiss chard. Now, we're finishing up with The Grammy's, dessert, and wine. Yeah, Sunday was pretty OK this week, and soon, we'll be on vacation. Then, everyday will be like Sunday...well, maybe I'd rather every day were like Friday, but still, you get the point. Welcome new week, bring it on!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

"Saturday's Randomness"

It is odd, but the graphic that I use for all of these Saturday posts, is still, after nearly a year, listed in my Desktop menu as Unknown. And each Saturday I have to think...now what is the Saturday blog graphic? Same goes for Coconut Friday, which is some long number. Did I do this to myself all year to keep my mind fresh, or am I just too lazy even to rename a file?

Today was weird. Tim's uncle died, so we got some news on that. It just felt surreal. Then, also, we found out his grandma went into the hospital. Paired with all the car crap we've been going through, and the breakneck pace that life feels like it travels at these days...well...it just was an odd energy day.

I rearranged the counter top in the kitchen since the tank of fish is (finally) completely done and gone. I will probably be reaching for the toaster and cutting boards in their old places until spring.

Did some planning and preparing today for a "Girl's Sleepover" party for MY 40th birthday...can't wait. Nancy better get her butt on board:)

A pile of magazines, a glass of wine, and my Cymbalta blanket, tonight, were far better than the Oswego hockey game. (Shhhh, don't tell Tim!) We intended to go, but with the odd energy of the day, and then the lake effect and blowing all day, it just seemed less than appealing. And you know, it was just fine to be HOME.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Ahhhhh...we made it to another Coconut Friday. It was a long week, but ended in a good day...a double pizza day. Back in Elementary School in Endicott we had these wonderful Italian ladies who cooked in our cafeteria. They made a mean pizza, and served it with tossed salad, a half an orange, a homemade peanut butter cookie, and chocolate milk, each and every Friday. The Fridays that my family also had pizza for dinner were the best. Today, we had pizza (from Sheila's...not the cafeteria...) for lunch in honor of Andy's birthday, and pizza at home too. A double pizza day! Now, as the kids head to bed, I am going to make myself a "Vacation" for dessert, and attempt to have some adult interaction with my husband before we both fall dead asleep. We'll see how that goes, but no matter what, it is Friday, and it is good.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

So, just when I was starting to lose it, thinking the week was shot, and heading towards the downward spiral of "when does a girl get a break?" the universe helped me out. They were little things for sure, but it is, truly, the little things isn't it? Do we not learn that, more and more, as we age?

We started the day with a two hour delay. There was a meanacing band of lake effect snow that was headed our way and would have been a bear exactly at bus time. Two good things came of this. The band never really became a problem, so not only did I get to stay home and drink my coffee in my jammies, but I was also able to go out to my car, start it up, wipe the snow off with merely my wipers, and drive, through brilliant sunshine, to work.

Then, after school, Devin had a bowling match, and Tim took Gwynn to it while I stayed home. Blessed peace and quiet. Threw in some laundry, "opened" and chopped for dinner (can we say beans and franks...seriously...I am NOT a domestic goddess every night), and poured myself a glass of red. Yeah. Just sat around and did nothing and boy, did it feel great!

So, I suppose I can now make it to the weekend. Then it is just one more week to go until February break! And less than one more week, after that, of 39, for me.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

...cracking a bumper all to hell on a Tuesday...wardrobe malfunctions on a Wednesday. Will the fun never end? Who has time to blog with that much excitement going on?

Yeah, after my stellar day yesterday, of driving home through a white out and then hitting the ice banks flanking the driveway on the way in, I decided to rock the sweater dress and boots today, for a mood booster. All I got was static and a hole in my stockings. I got over the hole, and the static was abated with some Static Guard, but none the less, I am just in a PISSY mood.

WHERE is my good luck that the Year of the Metal Rabbit promised me?
WHERE is my 2011 good Pisces Mojo?

I am NOT in a good place.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Well, I promised to blog about what I am reading, and I did just finish Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons, which was a really good book. It spanned the lives of a bookgroup over the course of 40 years. It was actually our bookgroup selection, and we have been together for about 12 or so years, so it was a fun one. You could see bits and pieces of our members in the story's members too.

Now, I am reading Farmer Boy. Yep, the part of the Little House series that I refused to read as a girl because it was about some smelly boy. I had no need to read it, and I had the support not to read it as a charter and creating member of our own "Laura Ingalls Wilder Fan Club." The bylaws were quite specific, and did in fact address Farmer Boy.

1. You had to like Laura

2. You had to try to braid your hair...which was tough in my 70's pixie cut, but I would pull a turtle neck up on my head and the arms dangling down my back would give me that "braids feel."

3. You had to like her dog Jack...of course I would have liked ANY dog, I was so desperate for one in my suburban existence.

and finally...

4. You had to read all of her books, with the exception of Farmer Boy of course since it wasn't about Laura anyways.

Well, at that time in my life, that bias made sense, but now, raising my own son, and teaching a boisterous bevy of boys in my 4th grade class, I am loving it. Even more so, I am, quite seriously, embarassed that as a veteran teacher I have never read this book. It is a wonderful snapshot of early America, and as a fourth grade teacher, for goodness sake, the book is SET here in UPSTATE NY! It is a fabulous teaching tool! OK, so true confessions are over. I am making amends. I am cozying up with this book, and seriously considering re-reading the whole Little House series. I bought a boxed set for Gwynn for her 10th birthday. I hope she loves them as much as I did. It is good and comforting to think of how much I still love Laura. And now, I am satisfied as I have the dog, and my daughter can wear the braids.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

...ummm, yeah. No time to blog on my husband's favorite holiday SUPERBOWL SUNDAY! Steelers vs Packers. Packers won. But more importantly, we made loaded baked potatoes and roasted garlic soup. Yum!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

"Saturday's Randomness"

Today started with my kids and hubby making me breakfast in bed, and ended with Gwynn and Tim making a Chinese feast in honor of Chinese New Year. I love that my whole family cooks!

Groceries were more fun in a new car.

I am not above boxed wine...picked up a red and a white today. I had this feeling like it was "time" for my "no drinking during the week" diet, then I realized I am turning 40 in less than a month. Maybe later this spring, but for now, I am stocked up.

Felt a little "off" all day. Period crampy. I never had cramps as a teen or young adult, but since childbirth, my period is just a different and unpredictable thing. I mean, it is on time, but I just never know if it'll be a "no big deal" month or a month where I have a day or two I'd rather spend in bed. My Chinese fortune read, "If it seems fates are against you today, they probably are." Nuff said.

Have begun shopping for the Valentine's Day/Birthday season. Both kids have given me their "birthday lists." Devin's really is hysterical and I should post it here. He has a knack for snarky humor...wonder where he got that. I think tomorrow I will write MY birthday list and give it to them!

I also am going to warn my BFF's Kath, Nancy, Shan, and Jeanne, that tomorrow they will be receiving the "Road Map on our Journey to 40" message from me. Be afraid, be very afraid! Love you all!

Friday, February 4, 2011

My "something to celebrate" tonight was dinner out at Press Box, and a great little shopping excursion to JCPenney's, in Oswego. No, it really doesn't take a whole lot to please me. Really. I haven't really been out to JCP in a while, and I was JUST saying to Sue today that I really have no need to buy any more winter clothes, but, isn't that always when it happens? You find great stuff, cheap, that fits.
I have been wanting a sweater dress...check.
And a bright pink scarf...check.
Then there was an un-needed but cute grey sweater...check.
And finally, a stripey sweater dress for Gwynn...check.
Add to all that a $10 return, and a $10 off coupon.
Yep, it was another night they pretty much paid me to shop.
Coconut Friday for sure...in fact, I think I may just go mix myself a drink with some Coconut Rum!
Happy Friday All!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I am not one to totally buy into astrology, but I am not one to dismiss it either. Today, as work, Tim sent me my Year Outlook as we enter the Chinese Year of the Metal Rabbit. We follow all things Chinese pretty closely in our home, as Gwynn is obsessed with Asian culture. This year, the year that I am heading into my 40's, is, apparently, is MY year.

Pig Outlook for 2011
1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007
Pig Overview

You have the privilege of being the luckiest animal during the Year of the Metal Rabbit. It's about time! Last year might have been a bit hectic. However, all that planning and patience has finally paid off. You deserve the break, Pig. Short of multimillion dollar lottery winnings and total world domination, 2011 should bring many things to be thankful for. I'll bet you're nice and settled in a fulfilling career, a satisfied relationship, and a happy home. If not, those things are probably on their way. Remember to share you successes with the ones you love. Keep striving for inner balance and self-acceptance. Internalize the goodness around you and know you deserve it.

Pig Rating

82% (12 favorable months)

Pig Career

The world is your brunch buffet. Have you tried everything yet? Feel free to feast on all the flavors you can this year when it comes to your professional life. Perhaps you'll finally make strides in the work you've always wanted to do. Lifelong dreams can be realized this year so reach for yours with confidence. Have you written the next great American novel? Discovered a cure for cancer? Composed a symphony? Don't be surprised if your efforts are greatly rewarded. You've waited a long time for this. Enjoy the well-deserved recognition.

Pig Relationships

You might feel like you finally know the meaning of domestic bliss in 2011. You and the Rabbit are of the same affinity group, Rabbit-Goat-Pig, so relationships will probably be harmonious this year. Marriage, moving in together, or babies could be part of the equation. Are you ready? Make sure you've worked out all the kinks in your relationship before you set things in stone. If you're single, you might meet a special someone with lasting potential this year. Relationships started now could be very favorable, so be prepared to mingle.

Pig Health

With all the excitement going on, don't forget to take care of your health this year. If you're a typical Pig, you might be tempted to overindulge, especially in celebration of good things. This could wreak havoc on your digestive system, to be good to your body. Nurture it with plenty of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and vitamins. Eat organic whenever possible. Drink plenty of water. You'll need strength and stamina to get through this year. Make sure you don't tax your system by having too good of a time!

Pig Wealth

Your hard work during the year of the Tiger should bring money your way in 2011. There will be several occurrences of Triple Metal days -- where the element of the year, month, and day all match. Since Metal is the element most closely affiliated with wealth, you might see your bank account get a boost. Not only that, a few Triple Rabbit days could be favorable for you since you're in the same affinity group as this year's animal. Make a list of things you want to buy, do, or see that will cost money. Figure out how many things are feasible and put away the money now. There should be enough to go around.

...and equally wonderful was my yearly outlook as a Pisces...

Year 2011 Overview

Don't stop believing, Pisces! This year is nothing short of miraculous, filled with all-things sublime. Take advantage of lucky Jupiter's final hurrah in your sign at the start of the year. If you've been procrastinating on turning your visions into a goldmine, January is your time to bust a serious move and catch the amazing non-stop momentum of 2011. There's no spacing out, hiding home or escaping from reality. Things are just too good to miss! Speaking of missing, don't miss the boat Pisces; Jupiter only enters your sign once every 12 years.

That said, you do have the auspicious advent of another awesome planetary boon when your planetary ruler, Neptune enters Pisces in April. For the next 14 years, your super-sensitivity and matchless compassion serve you well. You'll feel like you're in your own element rather than your usual fish out of water feeling. The world will join with you in feeling the suffering of the world. Your dreams and imaginative powers are nothing to be taken lightly. Divine messages, synchronicity and channeling the gods become a daily experience between April and August, and then again in 2012 to stay.

Despite your consistent protesting over the ills of materialism and that money is the root of all evil -- you may be seriously changing your tune as money seems to be falling from the sky this spring. With six planets lining up in your money sector on May 1, it's time to make some serious bank -- ready or not.

Positivity abounds, and life is mine for the taking, apparently. 40, bring it, I am ready!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I want to take a moment to thank Mr. Sholes for my wake up call this morning...the wake up call that said..."Cheryl, no real need to come to work today. It's awfully snowy and particularly icy and cold out there today. How about you snuggle back down next to your hubby and go back to sleep." God I love those calls! And to think it happened on the day that just happens to be a month away from my birthday to boot! I am going to try to find something to celebrate each and every day for the next month as I make my grand entrance into my 40's. Today, it most certainly was the snowday, and snuggling with my family, cleaning, and cooking, and blasting Broadway music, and baking, and playing games, and reading. It really was a wonderful day! Again, thank you Mr. Sholes.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Last night I had a nearly two hour talk with Dev, and had to promise not to blog about it. Tonight it was a nearly two hour date with my husband, and I will spare my blog the details;)

Devin was at a bowling match out in Lyons. It was only on the way home from dropping Gwynn at dance class that I realized we'd have some time alone.

It was, truly, a moment of chaotic scheduling synergy.

May the luck that brought that our way bring us a snow day tomorrow as well. Fingers crossed, pencil in the freezer, and jammies on inside out for sure!


Monday, January 31, 2011

I promised I wouldn't blog about it, so I won't, but it is so nice to spend nearly two hours just having a long conversation about life with your twelve, almost thirteen year old son.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Phew! Have we ever been through the wringer this week? It feels so good, tonight, though, to have done what we have done this week. Last week, Monday, began with frigid temperatures and a sick kid, tonight ends with typical snowy weather and a new car in the driveway! How quickly life can change. I do have to say, though, that as busy as our week, and weekend was, and as gypped of "my own time" that I may feel, I do not have the grumpies at all. I guess I am just so happily pleased by our car acquisition process that it just doesn't matter that work begins again tomorrow. Not to mention, now, with two car payments for a few months, I kinda HAVE to get to work, eh? We do what we have to do.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bought a black 2008 Honda Certified Used CR-V and we are loving it! It is so cute, and totally reminds us of our 98 Ford Focus, but on steroids! Yeah us!

Friday, January 28, 2011

After this week, I am particularly happy to see Coconut Friday.

Went out to drive some cars tonight, and begin to shop around. Then grabbed dinner at Wendy's. Kinda low key, but perfect. The kids, too, are, for some weird reason, getting along very well. They've been talking, like humans, and joking around all night. It is a little weird. They are, as I type, flipping between HGTV's House Hunters International, and Spongebob, together, in the living room, whilst munching on the doughnuts they bargained for.

"Well, since we need to shop for cars tomorrow, and will want to get going quickly in the morning, maybe we should pick up a dozen doughnuts..." said Gwynn.
"Yeah, good point," said Devin.

The weekend is kicking off with peace if not quiet, successful bargaining, and positivity...let's hope it continues.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

...and again tonight. I am whipped! Have been sleeping like the dead the last couple of nights, but dreaming of cars and car shopping, so I don't wake up rested. Weird. Of course having a bit of a head cold and then report card week as well don't help. You get a rough week here and there in life, so check mine off the list, eh? I'm done!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ummm, yeah, like I would have time to blog whilst knee deep in report cards AND car shopping? Not so much! Who knows, may see you all again next week? HA! Any suggestions or recommendations welcomed...on the cars, not the grades. Those the kids have already earned, I am afraid.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What a day it was, today, on the heels of yesterday's car disaster fiasco.

I got a ride from Sue this morning, got to school, and realized I had brought two different shoes with me. Annoyed as all get out, I shared my agony with the guys that teach across the hall from me. Andy retorted, "Well, you can just run home," which got me all excited, until I realized that, duh, I had no car! When I looked at the shoes again, and realized they were two lefts as well as being different styles and colors, I just about cried. Andy loaned me his car, though, and, fixing a shoe issue can really help in one's overall perception of a day, which was a good thing, too, as the day didn't get any better. While I was running home for my shoe, Tim called to inform me that the car was pretty much a loss and not worth fixing.

So the rest of the day was filled with attempts at car shopping, and loan rate checking. All of this while trying to teach, and prep report cards, which are due on Friday. Needless to say, it was a long day, but one of my cuties did mention a bright side..."You know, Mrs. Howell, now you have some really funny stuff to write about in your Writer's Notebook!" How true. How true.

Monday, January 24, 2011

How can one day take so much out of you and be so super frustrating? Sub zero temperatures...sick kid...sub plans...stranded husband...sucky broke down car...sickeningly high repair bill...I am just done, done, done with this Monday. It can only get better, right?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Victoria and Me, At a Crossroads"

Today, I am feeling a little baffled. I always "got" Victoria's Secret, but suddenly, not so much. Is it age? I don't know. But we've been having this problem for a little while, as I have seen my favorite undies slip away. Now, I am afraid they are gone for good. To make things worse, I just gave $30 worth of silky undies to a 9 year old, so now I am sad, and also pissed off.

Don't worry, I did not vamp Gwynn up in lacey thongs or anything. The undies in question are the Body by Victoria Hipsters. I have always and forever been a hipster girl. I hate bikinis, always feeling like they just don't do the job. Young, older, pregnant, heavier, at my thinnest, I have never liked 'em, and never will. Briefs don't do it for me either. I have never liked a waist band, well, at my waist. I like it part way down, on my hips, at my center, a "hip"ster. Cute, not "momwear." Good for everyday, attractive, and comfy at the same time. Every few months or so, I was happy to go into Vicky's and pick up 3 new pairs on sale, to spruce up my underwear wardrobe. They washed great, wore great. Things were good.

Recently, though, there has been a change. My good old Body by Victoria hipsters felt "different." I wasn't quite sure why, as I had gotten some pairs that were a LITTLE different...some ruching, some with lace, some cotton as opposed to microfiber. I wasn't really loving any of these, but I thought, OK, stick with the microfiber. It is obviously what you like.

I went in a few weeks ago and picked up the Body by Victoria Incredible undies, in a L like I always wear. They seemed small, but were VERY stretchy, so I just went with it. 3/$30 I was out the door. They looked fun, very vibrant...they looked like my old BBV hipsters. Then I got them home. They fit, sure, but they are BIKINIS! I even measured the "rise" in the front and compared to my oldies...sure enough, lower! I gave up. I gave them to Gwynn.

When I went to Vicky's website, here is what I found.

(on the Incredible panties...)
Like no other panty you've ever worn. Comfy, soft and super stretchy just like the bra. Perfectly no-show and completely smooth under clothes. Low rise. Imported nylon/spandex.

(on the hipster panties, in general...)
Sweet and low. Like a boyshort + a bikini

Low rise, low rise, low rise...everywhere...it is low rise. And the hipster specifically described as a bikini. If I WANTED bikinis, wouldn't I buy those?

I saw Ellen Degeneres one day, on her talk show, joking about people's underwear showing above their low rise jeans. She did a bit about the fact that pants come in such varying rises, that maybe underwear should be sold with the correct jeans. I am thinking she may have a point. Apparently Vicky has chosen to solve the butt clevage problem by making all of her undies lower, but how about for those of us who were not having a problem in the first place? How about those of us who wore the correct underwear with our mid rise jeans?

Interestingly enough, again on Vicky's website, many of the briefs are described at mid rise...so maybe the adjustment has happened there as well. Maybe there is a whole contingent of Vicky's brief girls who are angered that they've been forced to hipsters? Well, all I know is, as a former lingerie salesgirl after all, there are a lot of underwear manufactures out there. Maybe it is time, as I enter my 40's, to find someone new. I'm stickin' with the hubby that I have, and the job, but the undies, well, I just might have to move on.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Whoo boy, was this Saturday FULL of "Saturday Randomness!" We woke up to, probably, about 12-18 inches of new lake effect snow in our driveway, "snowblowed" on out, and drove to Lansing. There, we moved Mom and Dad Howell into their new house, and Todd and Katie, now, officially, into mom and dad's old house! It was a long, crazy day, but a really good one! Would I ever love to have a new house myself, but am I ever happy, tonight, to be in my warm, cozy and already set up home! We unpacked a ton, and cleaned and loaded cupboards and closets, but there sure is a long way to go. It is going to be great, though. I am so happy for Lala, and Pa, and boy, will that house ever be a great place for an "all grandchildren sleepover!"

Friday, January 21, 2011

It was "Coconut Friday" in droves today! Well, actually, I drove through some pretty crappy weather to get home, but it was on early dismissal, so that was the first thing that rocked.

(...actually, again, my new LLBean vest and a yummy doughnut from Andy were pretty much rockin' my Friday, and that was BEFORE the early dismissal was even a glimmer in my Superintendent's eye. I'm not really that hard to please.)

Once I finally got home, there was time to play some games as a family, yummy shrimp and coconut rice for dinner, and also, Tim ran out today, before the snow got too bad, for "reinforcements." Coconut Rum! It is time to start making "Vacations!" It is just pineapple juice, orange juice, and coconut rum, but does it ever take you to the islands! Kick back and relax my friends. When snowed in, a vacation is the only way to go!

Happy Friday!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

It is funny, but sometimes a sick kid is just what the Dr. ordered. Gwynn came home feeling yucky. All she wanted to do was curl up under a blanket on the couch. Happily, the book I had ordered for our next bookgroup, Angry Housewives Eating Bon-Bons, arrived from amazon today as well. It was a win win. She slept for an hour and a half, I read for an hour and a half. I can't remember the last time I sat and read for an hour and a half. Granted, we have now cleaned up a bit of sickness, done laundry, and Tim is typing up plans as he is on "stay home with the sick-o" duty tomorrow, but still, I must say, I loved that hour and a half.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

No time to blog tonight...totally lazed on the couch watching our ABC shows all night. Maybe I will explain my theory that "Cougar Town" is just "Friends" for the new millennium. Tim is pretty sick of hearing it, but the law says he has to. You will have a choice, tomorrow night, but for tonight, I am done.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I feel like I spent my day in the car today.

First it was driving to school of course, then to Syracuse for my last leg Dr. appointment. Next it was the drive back home, with a few stops along the way, then the shuttle of Gwynn to and from dance. Fortunately, some random good tunes on the radio made the day. There were oldies I had not heard in a while, such as "My Kind of Lover" by Billy Squire, "True Colors" by Cyndi Lauper, and "Never Surrender" by Corey Hart. Then there was a newer tune by GooGoo Dolls, "Take Me Home" which I had cranked up full blast.

For the dance shuttle, Gwynn chose to listen to her new Broadway CD of "Beauty and the Beast," which was great. And I am usually quick to grab a CD, or pop in my iPod, but today, while out and about, it was fun to see where the music took me.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Since yesterday felt like Saturday, I suppose it was inevitable that, at some point, today would begin to feel like Sunday. And not in a good way. Got the grumpies around 7...when I knew it was time to go make the lunches. Oh well. It was a great three day weekend, and I have to just face the music I suppose, but for right now, I am just going to go sulk. I am not growing. I guess I just need to accept I am not a happy camper on Sunday nights.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

"Saturday Randomness"

First of all, I love a day when my husband goes to do the grocery shopping. I don't mind it, really, but a break from it now and then is a good thing.

Soup is the best meal, both to make, and also to eat. Today's was Chicken Stock, with sausage, carrot, celery, onion, a couple of cans of fire roasted tomatoes, little ditalini pasta, and spinach. Yum,

Todd and Katie and the kids came up. The intention was sledding, and the kids did go out to sled, but even with all the snow we have, it isn't great sledding snow. And boy did the snow come down today! It is always fun when people come to visit and the lake effect machine puts on a good show. After they left, as Tim was cleaning up the driveway a little bit, I went outside and just stood there, watching it come down. It was so beautiful. The silence of falling snow is amazing. There is a 12+ inch blanket on our home tonight.

(HA! Just realized that I called today as a Saturday when it is really a Sunday! I just LOVE a three day weekend!)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

This+"Hairspray" the movie+your daughter doing dance moves in the living room and your son doing derogatory commentary = PRICELESS family evening of entertainment. Seriously. Priceless.

1 (5 to 6-pound) roasting chicken
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1 large bunch fresh thyme
4 lemons
3 heads garlic, cut in 1/2 crosswise
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1/2 pound sliced bacon
1 cup white wine
1/2 cup chicken stock
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F.

Remove the chicken giblets. Rinse the chicken inside and out. Remove any excess fat and leftover pinfeathers and pat the outside dry. Place the chicken in a large roasting pan. Liberally salt and pepper the inside of the chicken. Stuff the cavity with the thyme, reserving enough thyme to garnish the chicken dish, 1 lemon, halved, and 2 halves of the garlic. Brush the outside of the chicken with the butter and sprinkle again with salt and pepper. Tie the legs together with kitchen string and tuck the wing tips under the body of the chicken. Cut 2 of the lemons in quarters and scatter the quarters and remaining garlic around the chicken. Lay the bacon slices over the chicken to cover.

Roast the chicken for 1 hour. Remove the bacon slices from the top of the chicken and set aside. Continue roasting the chicken for an additional 1/2 hour, or until the juices run clear when you cut between a leg and thigh. Remove to a platter and cover with aluminum foil while you prepare the gravy.

Remove all but 2 tablespoons of the fat from the bottom of the pan. Add the wine and chicken stock and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat, and simmer for 5 minutes, or until reduced by half.

Slice the chicken on a platter. Garnish the chicken platter with the bacon slices, roasted garlic, reserved thyme and 1 lemon, sliced. Serve with the gravy.

Friday, January 14, 2011


And, amazingly, we have made it through the 12 step program to MLKJr day! A three day weekend is upon us...a fine Coconut Friday indeed! Heard U2's "(Pride) in the Name of Love" while on the way to work and was immediately reminded of who I should thank for my good mood going into today.

Took it easy at school today, got a lot DONE with the kids, and didn't load them up (yet) with too much new stuff. Then, came home to coffee and Oprah. Dinner out tonight was Azteca, margaritas, and great conversation too, with our kiddos. Finally, we are settled in at home, playing Wii, and Tim and I have plans for a movie. Even if we fall asleep in the middle, who cares. It was a great day, and we have three days of freedom ahead!

Happy Friday Everyone, and, Martin, thank you.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Today the key was laughter.

First I laughed through the day with my class. I really have been blessed with a great bunch this year, a lot of them with very good senses of humor. Today I let them joke a bit, laughed along, and got off on a few too many tangents...but hey...it got us through a Thursday, together.

Then upon arriving home, and checking in on email and Facebook, I found out my horoscope sign has changed. I spent a little time reading crap about that. Then Tim and I checked our new compatibility, finding that, as a former Pices and current Aquarius, I am even MORE compatible with him, and our sex life is supposed to be off the charts. WooHoo, eh? A nice shot in the arm for a 17 year marriage I guess! I did laugh right out loud that it is a good thing I never got that Pisces tattoo, as that is always one of my "Hey that could be my tattoo" images. HA!

Finally, it was Devin's bowling meet, and laughing with the parents there. I feel so much better today than I did yesterday. Laughter really does do good for the soul...so bring it Friday...I am ready...and then it is on to the THREE DAY WEEKEND!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


OK, so we've reached the wall. You know, it's that place in a race that people always talk about. I mean, if you are a runner and all, which I certainly am not, but I have heard from trusted others. You hit the wall, and must power through to reach the end. That was me today...powering through. Yep. I seriously can't think of any one thing that was outstandingly good. My class was fine, and my outfit was cute, but really, I could've just done without today. Everything was markedly lackluster, and to top it off, I got stuck in the snow in the driveway when I got home.


It's not a great feeling, to tell the truth. And I feel a little bit like I am wishing time away, but, eh, whatever. Day three. It was a day. It is nearly over. On to Thursday.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Whipped through today, painless as could be. Again, who knew focusing on these 12 steps would make things so easy? MLKJr day is within my grasp. Now to figure out how I will get through from the day we get back, to February break! HA!

Today was a doughnut day, and it wasn't even Friday! One of my (fabulous!) students had a birthday, and brought in doughnut holes instead of the usual cupcakes. What a treat! Then I came home and lit my new Yankee Candle, coincidently called "Jelly Doughnut!" And I mean, really, is there anything better in life than a jelly doughnut? Crispy on the outside, but covered with sweet crystals of sugar. Then, a doughy center, with and oooey gooey surprise? Yummmm! Oh, wait, a jelly doughnut with no calories? Yeah, that is better! And strangely enough, burning this candle works like that. I have done this before, while trying to control my eating a bit. If I burn a "foodie" candle, it seems to curb my appetite. I will overindulge in a scent, as opposed to a taste I suppose. Whatever it is, I am thankful that it works! Consider it my New Year's tip to all of you - hey - it's worth a shot!

Monday, January 10, 2011


Are we here already? 4 days to go? Monday over and done with? I am telling you, this 12 step program is A-OK! Today was fine. The day came, the day went, but what made MY day was hearing the washer running when I got home. It was obvious that Tim had "hit the road" as soon as possible from work, come home, and started laundry. Then, as I was taking off my coat, I heard the sweet "Hi Mom!" from Devin, finding out in that moment that bowling practice had been cancelled, and therefore we didn't have any reason to run back out in the cold tonight. I came in, unwound with a cup of (leftover from moring...sigh...) coffee, and then whipped up some "Indian-ish cause I am suddenly into Indian cuisine after Katie's birthday dinner extravaganza" garam masala chicken over rice with naan bread that I got at the good 'ol Chopper yesterday. Yeah, life was OK today, even better tonight, and Friday is WELL on its way!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


We're within a week, and I think I can make it! Today was a really nice Sunday too. Had to do the normal household tasks and errands, but weather cooperated, so that's always a plus. Then I got to do some shopping for me, along with the weekly groceries. Finally, I got an $80 desk chair at Staples on sale for $40, then used $30 in Rewards bucks to boot, so you do the math on what I really ended up paying! Rounded out the day with delicious chili, and BOTH of the "Old Fezziwig Ale"s from our Sam Adams Winter 12 pack and life is more than good.

I am thinking, as far as this chair goes, that it'll be nice ALL this coming week to write from a new spot! It is a great chair, with good lumbar support, and it keeps your posture right where it should be...good for keeping me on track and working towards next weekend! Yippee!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Today was a great day. Slept a blissful 10 hours. Enjoyed my coffee and some sun. Got a bunch of stuff organized and put away around the house. Then just sat and read a book for a while. It was the first weekend in SO long with absolutely NOTHING to do. Then mix in a pretty good dinner, or at least pretty good stuffing a la Barry's recipe, some great news from Sue, and an Oswego State victory at the night's hockey game, and I am certainly a happy girl! This 12 step program is working out just fine!

Friday, January 7, 2011

(...and also Coconut Friday! Yippee!)

It was easy to find my way through today.

Gwynn had early band, but, due to forgetting to set up the coffee maker the night before, and being too much of a coffee snob to be OK with JUST the half caf they brew at work, I dropped her off and drove right on by, up to McDonald's in Wolcott. It was 8 blessed minutes alone on the way there, and 8 blessed minutes alone on the way back. "Grace Potter and the Nocturnals" played me along. I sometimes have that fantasy of "driving right on by" when I go to work, and this satisfied the urge, at least in part. (tried the new oatmeal from Micky's too and I have to say, it was pretty good, especially if you love craisins and yellow raisins...mmmmm...)

Once at work, we had the all day celebration of Becky's birthday complete with ordering out pizza for lunch. Thanks Beck, even if you had to get old, it made for a nice lunch:)

Then my paycheck came, complete with "Obama Dollars."

I came home, and was happy to see, on Facebook, that my sister in law Katie is making progress towards her own Coconut Fridays. It made me proud!

And finally, it has been an evening at home, with leftovers, and Wii, and wine. Sad as it may be, it just doesn't get any better than this!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Ahhhh, take out Chinese was all it took. We all went up to Devin's bowling meet in Wolcott tonight. He did a great job, bowled his highest game yet, and we brought home dinner. I didn't have to cook. There are no lunches to make. Even if, as I type, there is math homework frustration in the kitchen, I know we will make it. Friday is in sight. The weekend is nearly here, and MLKJr day is closer every day. One day at a time. One day at a time.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I had high hopes for today last night, thinking a good night's sleep was going to bring back my energy. Fat chance, with a snoring sick hubby, and a hormonal me to boot. Didn't sleep well last night, and didn't feel too great today, but at least I had some new clothes helping to get me through...a cute graphite corduroy jean jacket I picked up at Gap after Christmas for a song. Why IS it we all shop before Christmas when all the great sales are AFTER Christmas? I know, I know, the season of giving and all...whatever.

Tonight, I also had the happy thought, while making lunches, that I am DONE with that task for the week. We generally don't pack lunches on Thursday night as the menu at the cafeteria varies between pizza and soup/toasted cheese, items my kids won't grumble about too much, and that I am OK with them eating. No more lunch making for the week! WooHoo! Proof positive that Coconut Friday is on its way, as is MLKjr day! See, ya gotta hand it to these 12 steps, they really are moving us along!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Where is my ENERGY? Today was hard from the get go. Hard to wake up, hard to get out of bed, hard to get dressed and get out of the house. I could go on and on. I mean, it wasn't a bad day, just a dragging day. I did pretty well from 8:30-lunch at work. In fact we had a pretty good morning, in particular a good writing session, but then the afternoon hit and I could barely drag myself through. I am just not made to get up early in the morning, and, pitifully, each time we have a break, I get in bad "stay up late then sleep in" habits that are a bear to break when I go back to work. So today, on the twelve step plan, I am going to go to bed early to TRY to regain some energy! Caffeine can't do it alone!

Monday, January 3, 2011


I kept joking today that I was on a twelve step program, those steps being the twelve days I must face in order to be treated to our next break, Martin Luther King Jr. day on January 17th. And I was joking, really, as going back to work today was fine, and necessary, and even a bit fun. I got to chat with people I hadn't in too long, my students were good, we got some work accomplished, and all in all it was a pretty good day, but still, we can't deny that we are so conditioned. Much like my dumb black lab, who will sit for an eternity like a prize show dog if there is even a hint of a treat in the vicinity, we, as human beings can't deny that we find our way through life with "treats" as well. We work and are rewarded with a pay day here and there. We work and are rewarded with a vacation day, a blessed week off, or, if we are lucky enough to be in education, with the beautiful expanse that is summer vacation. And that is just within the relm of the work world. We all "treat" ourselves to get through life as well. A particularly difficult week might "deserve" a grocery store arrangement of flowers. In facing a long day, we might create a mantra in our head "Bath Tonight, Bath Tonight," and in so doing, Calgon will help to take us away. Each step along the way, life is lived, accomplishments happen, good work is done, there is job satisfaction, but really, face it, we're working for the treat. So, 1 down, 11 to go, I will keep my mind on my mantra and my mantra on my mind.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

...some nights you go "old school," to update your Christmas Memories book for the year 2010!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Just had a flashback to 10th grade math while cleaning up from a "Settlers of Catan" game with the family. In tenth grade math, when faced with probability, I was LAUGHED OUT OF THE CLASSROOM when I asked how many cards were in a deck. Tonight, I was LAUGHED OUT OF THE DINING ROOM when I questioned why the numbers 6,7 and 8 on the board were in red, and considered most desireable when positioning a settlement. Apparently, when playing games with two six sided dice, these numbers come up the most. Makes sense now that I think of it, but where along the way in the general knowledge of life, did I just plain miss out on this? I did not come from a game playing family is one reason, I suppose. I also know that when we did go to my grandparent's house in Buffalo, and card games ensued, people got loud and boisterous, and I just went off and read a book instead. Finally, in my married life, as much as he may enjoy a dice game, it is well known that I am wedded to "The World's Unluckiest Man," so perhaps he kept my naiveté intact in order not to expose his flaw more completely. Well, I am finding out, as the kids get more and more into games, and I am forced, as an older adult, to learn some new tricks, that I better brush up my mathematical logic skills. I was only one well played (and a little bit lucky) move away from winning, so we'll see. Rematch...TOMORROW.