Friday, April 30, 2010

SO my "Yeah! It's Friday!" image is different this week, and I am considering changing it altogether to "Found the Coconut Friday!" You see, it all started several years ago, on a Friday, in a fourth grade colleague's room, having doughnuts. I took one that was a chocolate doughnut, covered in coconut, and said to Sue, "Hey, it's like a vacation on a doughnut!" A quest had begun, and since, we have found myriad coconut foods, drinks, lotions and potions to "take us away." Well, my newest one, Coconut RUM! Sipping a Coconut rum and Diet Coke, I said to Tim, "God, I love a drink that tastes like suntan lotion smelled, back when it did nothing to protect us from the sun!" Here's to living dangerously, loving the sun, drinking some rum, and, ultimately, finding the coconut! Happy Friday, all!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Beautiful sunshiny day today, and I took the day OFF, mostly just for ME. Now, this time, I really DID have a Dr's appt in the afternoon, so it was completely legit, but back in 2007, I wrote this letter to Gwynn while on a "mental health day." What it says still, and in my opinion, always, rings true...

Dear Gwynn,

One of the best gifts you can give yourself is TIME for yourself.

Today, I took a day off from work, alone. I was fine, no health issues, no delivery expected, or repair person to let in the house. No Dr’s appt, bank closing or lawyer visit, all of those things that it is “OK” to take a day off for. I said goodbye to your dad, put you and your brother on the bus, and had a day for ME.

In the first few moments of alone time, I was a little panicky, had to putter around the kitchen, unload the dishwasher, start a load of wash. But then, the coffee maker made a little sputtering sound, as if beckoning me to take a load off, so I poured myself another cup.

I went towards the living room, set up a great play list on the computer and curled up in the rocker with a book. An hour later, half way through my short novel, I think I finally relaxed.

You see, as a mom, and as a teacher, I am always doing for others. Now, you know me well enough to know that I am FAR from self-sacrificing. I am one to treat myself well. If I need something, or want something, I am going to take care of myself, but to take a day like this is rare. I think I tend to get caught up in the material things I want and need, and I think that those things are going to refresh my soul. I think many of us do this. We are so busy in our day-to-day lives, and we hear enough pop psychology telling us that even in our busy lives, we need to take time for ourselves. Still, we answer that call by consuming. Perhaps we treat ourselves to dinner, with the family or a bunch of friends. Perhaps we pick up a new sweater or blouse, or just toss that fashion magazine or overpriced coffee in the cart. Maybe we decide a manicure would do the trick. Now I am not saying any of those things are bad…they are, OFTEN, just the ticket, and I love to indulge in each and every one of them. But, sometimes, the soul needs to be refreshed, and nothing will help that ailment like TIME.

Today, I took a day off, for no reason. Last night, I called in to our service, and sat back down on the couch with your dad, outlining what I was going to do with my day. I had plans, phone calls to make, bills I would pay, cleaning and organizing that I wanted to get done, in a certain and precise order and way. Low and behold, here I am, at 2pm, one hour before you will return to my welcome arms. And what have I done? I have read, and watched a TV show I love, but never see because of work. I have listened to my music throughout the house, my iTunes buying habit coming around to refresh me at last, on my new and now finally enjoyed speakers from Christmas. I have cleaned and organized and thrown out about 3 bags of garbage, but not at all the stuff I planned to attack. I have taken a luxurious shower, with some special bath products I bought for “me time” nearly two years ago. I have gazed into our backyard and just watched the thaw from the winter sun. I have danced around the living room, and I have sung at the top of my lungs. I have readied a craft project for us to do this afternoon, and, finally, I have written this letter, to you. I have learned again, and am now passing on the thought, to always take the time, for YOU.

I love you,

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Should probably write this one up and send it in to Reader's Digest as it SO fits one of those "Kids Do the Darndest Things" kind of categories! As Gwynn was getting ready for bed last night, she said to me, "Mom, can I ask you a random question?" Yeah, I know, that was funny in itself, but wait, it gets better! I replied sure, and she proceeded to ask me, "Do you look at your bedstand when you go to sleep?" Well, knowing her well enough to know that she was probably going to launch into some longwinded, bedtime delaying story about some weird ritual she goes through with her bedstand, and the princess light, and the things she has on her nightstand, and probably saying goodnight to them all, I just answered, "Well, um, yeah..." Amazingly, she replied "Oh," and was off to bed.

It didn't occur to me to think of the question again. The evening went on, Devin and Tim came home from scouts, I made lunches, I got sucked into some TV, and then it was my time for bed. When I went upstairs I found what you see in the picture above, on both Tim's and my sides of the bed. At our hotel last week, we had turndown service each night. The first night Tim was quite taken, saying "Oh, how nice, they must know we have kids and brought us chocolate!" I informed him that, no, this was just a nice thing they did for all guests, that, also, is just part of the price-tag. Well, while the 40 year old was learning about turndown service, so, in turn, it seems, was the 9 year old! What a cutie!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

So, tonight I will plug a book I have not yet read...a book I am hoping comes my way for Mother's Day...hint hint.

This offering is brought to you by Molly Ringwald. Found out today, ON "Today," that, apparently, my teen idol has written MY BOOK...Getting the Pretty Back: Friendship, Family, and Finding the Perfect Lipstick. It is essentially essays on turning 40!!! Oh well, if it had to be someone, I am glad it was Molly.

My plan, too, was to put up an "Encore Performance," from my other blog, with a writing piece I did on Molly Ringwald's hat. Um, yeah, already put that one out there to y'all! I am running out of material, AND losing my memory. Yikes...MOLLY - I NEED YOUR BOOK NOW! Of course, it could be that my brain synapses were in a deep freeze. I mean, I was in 85 degree weather 3 days ago, and this morning, it snowed. Yep, I'm gonna blame it on that!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Today, I am missing the I am going to rely on some lyrics from Stevie Nicks...she is such a musical poet...and I do feel driven, like a magnet, to the sea.

Do you always trust your first initial feeling
Special knowledge holds truth bears believing
I turned around
And the water was closing all around
Like a glove
Like the love that had finally, finally found me
Then I knew
In the crystalline knowledge of you
Drove me thru the mountains
Thru the crystal-like clear water fountain
Drove me like a magnet
To the sea

How the faces of love have changed turning
the pages
And I have changed oh, but remain
I turned around
And the water was closing all around
Like a glove
Like the love that had finally, finally found me
Then I knew
In the crystalline knowledge of you
Drove me thru the mountains
Thru the crystal-like clear water fountain
Drove me like a magnet
To the sea

-Stevie Nicks

Every year, we go to Maryland and I get my ocean fix. Then, these past two years, the Caribbean has boosted my mental well being. There is just something about it...the rhythmic waves, loud and crashing and helping to tune the world out, and myself in. The deep varying blues. The sun reflecting off, prismatically. It renews my soul.

I very clearly remember the summer of 1997, when we went on a camping trip to Maine with Jeanne, Bryan, Kathy and Barry. We swam in the ocean in the Kittery area, and I was JUST pregnant with Devin. So "just pregnant," in fact, that I had a couple of Mudslides back at the campsite since I HADN'T ended up pregnant for so many months...what would be the chances that this would be the one? The Counting Crows had the song "Long December" out at the time, and after that trip, when I realized how much I had missed the ocean, and that I hadn't been to the sea in YEARS, the line "It's been so long since I've seen the ocean...I guess I should" hit me like a ton of bricks. Since 1997, I have seen the ocean, each and every year, and I hope to for many, many years to come.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


It is my first Sunday blog in a week! Last Sunday, I totally evaded the Sunday Grumpies as we were en route to Key West, and, by the end of the day, swimming, in a freaking AWESOME saltwater pool, at the Truman Hotel. Yeah, that was a good day!

6th Sunday of my 40th year - VICTORY CHERYL on her way to KEY WEST!

Today, not as good, but still, not too bad, considering we were facing the end of vacation, as well as coming down off the high of travel.

I have traveled over April break the past two years now, and I am serious when I say that, if I can find a way, I would like to do so EVERY April break for the rest of my teaching career. Back when we had little kids, all I really looked forward to in a vacation was time to be HOME without alarms, and daily structure, just relaxing and not feeling the rush of our normal, day to day life. Now, though, as our kids are getting older, I crave adventure. I am perfectly happy traveling on our own, as Tim and I did last April to Puerto Rico, or with our whole famdamily as we did this past week to Key West, Florida. I just want to GET AWAY! It takes a lot of effort and work to be prepared to leave, but once gone, you are completely in your own zone, refreshing your mind, seeing something new, and, since my April travel tends towards the south, soaking in SUN SUN SUN! The troubles of home still exist, but are put on hold, at least for a while. And, upon return, you know that whatever troubles you ARE facing, will be lessened, when WORK is lessened, in just two short months. Yeah, teaching is tough, but I'll tell ya, summer vacation is worth every penny of stress! Bring it!

Today, I avoided the Sunday Grumpies by...
1. Sleeping in until 9:30!
2. Having a lovely (Hot) Coconut Coffee with Cream and Sugar ON JILL as she is being sponsored by DD to run her marathon! Go Jill!
3. Eating a lovely lasagna prepared by my husband and son...accompanied by a Goose Watch Chambourcin...yum!

7th Sunday of my 40th year - VICTORY CHERYL

Saturday, April 24, 2010

...and the sun sets on our vacation in Key West. Got home to Lansing late last night, and home to Fair Haven today. Again, a wonderful vacation, full of fun, and sun, and new adventures. I just love to get AWAY in April, from the ick and mud of upstate NY spring. It feels like a jump start on summer, and very much helps one, mentally, to "get through" the end of the school year. Having traveled South the past two Aprils, I feel like, if I could find a way, it would be something I would HAPPILY do for the rest of my living days! Tomorrow, a more "thoughtful" blog. Tonight, a Conch Republic good night from Mallory Square's Sunset Celebration. We love you, SUNSHINE!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

...and we're off. It is time to jet away on vacation. We are in Lansing right now, having had a lovely morning of packing, with a phone call from Sue to break up the monotony and let me know where our Johnny Mayer tickets will be in August. Then we drove down to drop off Lucy with Todd, Katie, kids, and, most importantly to Lu, Barney. After a nice afternoon of watching the dogs get acclimated, and watching baby Norah run from person to person wanting up, we got to mom and dad's. We'll leave here around 6, take off around 9 and be in Miami around 3! Can hardly wait to be cruising down US 1 to Key West! OBVIOUSLY, I will be away from the blog for the week, but I am staying committed to my vow to write everyday of my 39th will just have to be in my JOURNAL! Egad, how last century! So, see you all soon, and have a "coconutty" drink sometime this week, and think of me, in the Keys, doing the same.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Yeah, it's Friday couldn't be any more true than it is today. I made it through "Hell Week" and it is on to vacation, tomorrow. We're headed down to Lansing, and then on to Key West with mom and dad! I can hardly wait! I am really not sure if I will be able to blog from the hotel...but I KNOW I can't blog now. Sadly, it is off to bed. Where are the Fridays of my youth? Long gone, it seems, at least tonight. Then again, the whole idea of this blog is facing turning 40, and this, sometimes, is what it is.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

So today's blog starts with an image...John Mayer in a bathtub...with WINE!...ya gotta love the hot mess that shot is! It pretty much sums up how I feel today, too, after running the marathon week. Started with traffic court, and ended with two nights of parent teacher conferences. They went really well, as they always do. I like to talk, and what else is there to it really? Even if you have to talk with parents about some difficult things, if you can put people at ease, with a little humor, and if you can show them some understanding, well, let's just say that little bit of humanity goes a long way.

A little bit of Johnny goes a long way too. Decided today to get tickets to see him again, this summer, in Saratoga. It took me a while to decide, but now I am positively giddy about it! This'll be my third time and I'm feeling a little bit like a groupie. Sue and Marcia talked me into it, and it'll be a road trip of sorts with a bunch of couples. Tim is obliging me, but is struggling with the fact that now, John Mayer will be the artist he has seen the most times in concert. I am sorry to cause him this attack on his masculinity, but not too sorry.

"So much wasted in the much sacred in the month of 'bout you?"
Sing me on to vacation, Key West, and summer, Johnny, sing me on!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Not so thrilled with today, or tomorrow, or this week for that matter, as there is just TOO much going on. The week honestly just feels like a huge hurdle to get over before blessed vacation. I hate to look at life that way, it is SO not "in the moment." Still, it is Wednesday, and if I have made it this far, I suppose we are in the home stretch now!

Today, too, while driving in to work, I was greeted with an undeniable sign of spring. Vic's. Now, I don't even know why it is called Vic's, don't know the Vic that, I would assume, runs it, but I know the place AS Vic's. It is a semi-permanent flower and garden stand that is set up on the outskirts of little old Red Creek every year. When you see the tarps going down and the frames going up, you know spring is here, and furthermore, summer can't be too far away!

Welcome, Vic's!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

...some days are for bookgroup...well, work and then bookgroup...and I am tired...and I am not blogging, so there.

Monday, April 12, 2010

It is really kind of nice when a day you have been dreading, on multiple levels, also turns out good, on multiple levels.

Strike one...I had to be at a training in Newark, an hour away from my home, at 8:30 today. Save one...the drive there was beautiful, with no children in the backseat, sun streaming in my windows, and Johnny Mayer playing on my stereo.

Strike two...said training, to be a scoring leader for the upcoming NYS ELA Exams...snore. Save was good, and since there were only 5 of us being trained, and we were all quite knowledgeable on the tests anyways, we finished up early..Even got to grab an iced coffee from DD on the way home, caramel with cream and sugar, YUM!

Strike three...Oswego Town Court night and having to face up to my speeding ticket. Save three...thankfully, and I mean that in many ways, it was reduced to a parking violation, and I was able to pay my fee and RUN!

Yeah, thought the day would be horrid, and it wasn't exactly Disney World, but it is over. 4 more to go in the school week. 5 more to go before taking of to KEY WEST!
I can make it!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


OK, so I suppose it finally had to happen...first crappy Sunday of my 40th year on Earth. It started out fine, even calm, with lots to do since we're getting ready for a killer week AND getting ready to go on vacation, but things seemed manageable. Then Tim had to go and cut his finger.

Of course the funny thing is how he did it. Here we were, cleaning out the fridge, and we came across this old melted chocolate in the double boiler pan that goes with our cookware...Revere Ware crap circa 1993...and he went and pried it out, went to cut some off to eat, and sliced his finger but good. I mean, we have BASKETS FULL of wrapped chocolate still from Easter, but NO he had to be all martyr eating this crap, and end up maimiing himself. After almost passing out several times, which is one of his great party tricks, seriously, ask him about it sometime, and the bleeding not stopping, it was off to the ER! Um, yeah, great day, eh?

It did make me think back,though, to this time I stabbed myself in the palm of my hand trying to pry brownies out of a pan. I was like EIGHT, but still, I guess I ought to cut the guy a little slack.

Needless to say, I am NOT escaping the Sunday Grumpies today...oh, and Tim is fine...but is still a jerk;)

5th Sunday of my 40th year - VICTORY SUNDAY GRUMPIES

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Today's Random Thoughts

1. Sue loaned me the CD "Save Me SanFrancisco" by Train, and I can't say enough about it! BUY IT! The WHOLE CD! I mean, we download "tunes" these days, but this CD deserves to be heard in its entirety. good! It actually inspired me to get out two other great CDs and listen to them, beginning to end..."Say You Will" by Fleetwood Mac, and "All that I Am" by Santana...ahh, musical continuity!

2. My son is now cooler than me as he bought an iPod Touch today. Saved his own pretty pennies, too. I was proud of him, working towards a goal as such. The thing is SO funky! Gonna have to steal it an play when he is off to bed:)

3. Why is it that all shorts and capris come with junky belts these days? I say keep your shitty piece of non leather, and take a buck off of my purchase. It is about all that the belts are worth! And the landfills are full enough!

4. Panera salads are so good.

5. Gonna go make a Diet Coke with Lime and Coconut Rum drink and watch me some "Weeds." So excited...we are starting Season 5, though, so if anyone out there is a fan, just realize I am behind...remember, I am not #2 above...

Friday, April 9, 2010

When you are totally exhausted after a long work/life week, and fall asleep on the couch at 8, your blog becomes a quick stop as you go to REAL bed at 9:05. Such is my exciting life. Goodnight all!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I was thinking to myself, that if this blog is part memoir, part just thoughts, and part journal, I should record and comment on books I read throughout my 40th year, since, what we read, becomes part of us, overall. This book was one of the books recommended by Ellen, for our book group to read. Everyone decided on the "other book," but I came across this at Walmart the next day, in the trade paperbacks no less, for $5.97, so, being that I was quite interested in it anyways, I "whipped it in the cart." I am so glad I did.

The book deals with Alice, Harvard cognative psychology professor, and linguistics expert, wife, and mother of three, who is diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's disease at 50. The book was so eye-opening, as you "got inside" the mind of someone who's memory is failing them during the time that they are very well aware of what is going on. I think the book could be such a great tool for those who are facing this disease, to perhaps be able to see themselves, and in turn, help their family and friends understand the life they face each day. The book could open lines of dialogue between people who, quite frankly, might be having a hard time FINDING the right words, in a very literal sense.

I am a "dog-earer," and I write in my books, and I made a lot of marks in this one, but a certain quote from a speech that Alice gives at a conference for Dementia Caregivers had such beautiful clarity...

"My yesterdays are disappearing, and my tomorrows are uncertain, so what do I live for? I live for each day. I live in the moment. Some tomorrow soon, I'll forget that I stood before you and gave this speech. But just because I'll soon forget it some tomorrow, doestn't mean I didn't live every second of it today. I will forget today, but that doesn't mean that today didn't matter."

I have been thinking a lot about living in the moment, lately, and if that doesn't sum up a pretty damn good argument FOR it, I don't know what does! It is all we've got, Alzheimer's or no Alzheimer's, all any of us have is NOW.

Kathy, I will save the book for you, when you are ready for it. You show such quiet bravery in caring for your mom. (can't believe I just used the word quiet to describe you!) We really ARE the grownups, now, eh? And who knew that the goofs we were in college would grow up to be the amazing women we are today? I love you!

Still Alice...go read it!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tonight's Topic - running

No, don't worry, I am not picking up a healthy habit or anything...I mean running in life...the way I have been feeling I am constantly running and getting nowhere! It has been a long wondering of mine, to think back, and try to figure out when life got insane. And it gets more and more insane each year, which would lead me to believe that, overall, the blame can go to the kids, as each year they grow, and change, and pull us in new directions, but I am not so sure it is that, exactly. Then there is the fact that I can look back at when we lived in apartments, as opposed to a house with a yard and say, OH, that's it! Life was so easy back then, home ownership sucks the life, and money, right outta ya! But, really, that's not it either...come see my house today, seriously, it has not been the thing getting my attention, so how can I say it is making me insane? Could it be my job? I mean, it is true that teaching has changed a great deal in 17 years. It used to be fun, people used to smile, read the paper on their "break," make popcorn and chat. We used to be able to have the occational "read and feed" day with the kids, just let them hang out, snack, maybe throw on a movie, and get a lot of our own work done in the meantime. Now, we have beautiful Smartboards that can play a DVD like nobody's business, but we also have testing, upon testing, upon testing. Could it be the job? Sure, but then again, I am pretty much a "leave work at work" kinda girl so it really isn't that either.

I was talking with my dad this weekend about needing to get new cell phones, and how much of a DECISION that is. He agreed, and went on to say that at the same time, you are supposed to be shopping for the best deals, and choosing your power provider, and land line phone company, and checking your credit report, and it just gets to be too much. I think that the running question can be summed up as there is more and more available at all times, and, realistically, as I age, I have less and less time. Years FLY by, my work, home and family demands are multiplied 10 fold, and my perception of the passage of time has totally flip flopped. When I was younger, I had all the time in the world, now, time is more of my sparring partner. There are things I need to do, and things I want to do, in life, and the windows of time for them to happen are flexing and changing every moment.

You know, the running thing was something I made a funny about while talking to Tim after dinner. I said to him, "Wow, we have a marathon to run before we go to Key West, and then we'll have to DRIVE THROUGH Marathon (key) to even GET to Key West!" The symbolism is thick, eh? But seriously, may this marathon TO Marathon pass quickly and may we move on to paradise! I'm here, in the now, right now, but I am so ready to be here in the now, there...soon!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tonight I feel like I am just plain out of words. I read somewhere that due to evolution, and the fact that women, since prehistoric times, have done more of the home tasks, gathering and cooking, childrearing and cleaing, they have always been more social, and thus evolved to have "more words" to use in a day. Men, on the other hand, were off, in parties, hunting, quietly, stealth, using as few words as possible to just barely communicate, and thus men, today, have evolved to have "fewer words" to use in a day. Tim and I often joke about this, and on evenings when he is particularly quiet, I will say to him, "Oh, hon, did you already use up all of your words?" Well, today, I understand what he feels. Gwynn even picked up on it, on our way back from piano she noted, "Mom, you're so humph..." which was funny. It continued when we returned to the house. We ate dinner without much conversation, and I have spent the rest of the night doing and putting away laundry, reading, watching TV, researching Key West information and in any possible other way, just living inside my own head. And I am not really so much in a bad mood either, just out of words. I was dreading having to blog, but held myself to it, and you know, it is kind of funny how much I just said about wanting to say nothing.

Monday, April 5, 2010

SO excited! We are heading to KEY WEST in two weeks, over our April break. I guess my gratitude yesterday paid off, and I will continue it today. We are going with my parents, who just wanted to take us all on a trip! Can you beat that? The initial thought was to go out to see the Grand Canyon, but the way we were trying to lay out the trip it seemed like it would be an AWFUL amount of driving, and kind of a break neck pace, and that just didn't really seem appropriate for April break. So we started to think of other ideas and tossed around Charleston, SC, Washington DC, and even the Caribbean, but landed in Key West instead. We're flying to Miami, renting a van, and driving down too, which I am really psyched about, but then it's going to be 5 days of WHATEVER we want to do at THE TIP OF THE USA! So cool! So in continuation of gratitude, here's to my parents...I raise many many margarita's in thankfulness to you! The quest for coconut begins now!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


SO, this weekend, I found that it is really kinda hard to blog on the go! We were at Mom and Dad's for Easter and life was just too busy to sit down and write. I suppose that is kind of what I am wanting to find out from this little "write everyday" experiment, too, though. How does writing fit into my everyday life? Well, when it IS everyday, I am seeming to be able to find the time, but when it is not an everyday day, well, there is life to live! Living life, though, gives me topics to write about, ideas to examine, funny moments to relive through the written word. I guess the lesson here is that one must live to feed the writer within.

One thing I do want to do today, of all days, is express my thankfulness. Easter seems as good a day as any, or perhaps a better day than most, to thank people for reading my silly ramblings. I appreciate the support, and feedback, and am inspired to keep up my project because of you all, and I am so thankful for that.

Aside from having to go back to work tomorrow I am avoiding the Sunday Grumpies entirely...and I didn't even have a DD iced coffee! Here's what's working for me this week...
1. Family Family Family...we have the most wonderful one there is! Had a great Easter with BOTH sides of the crew!
2. Lots of good wine...hey, I SAID we were seeing a lot of family! HA!
3. The sun and warmth of the last several days...SO wonderful!

4th Sunday of my 40th Year - VICTORY CHERYL

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Today - a return to the Facebook roots of this blog...

Cheryl Southard CHOOSING not to blog is too gorgeous and I am going out with my husband instead.

Friday, April 2, 2010

So, here we are on the ONE MONTH anniversary of my 40th year, and the blog needs to be preempted because "The League of Dorks" needs the computer for the almighty draft. Now, technically, I am stealing that name from ESPN 2's Sports Guy (well, really, Sports Gal) but it is so fitting! It is the loving name I have for Tim's Fantasy Baseball crew, and seriously, I love 'em, but they are dorks! Aren't we all, though, dorks, in our own way, doing our own thing, finding ways to lead our lives and to be happy? This blog is making me happy, so cheers to ME and to ONE MONTH and to ELEVEN MORE! 40, here I come, with bells on!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Today's Topic - Cover Art
Received an email today alerting me to the re-release of Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. by Judy Blume. This book is only one of THE formative books of my growing up years, and you know, I will never be able to read it without thinking of the cover. My copy, read and reread, was the purple bordered one, with yellow haired, illustrated Margaret, looking out at me over her shoulder. Still, though, the copy I borrowed from a friend, and read BEFORE my mom gave my book to me, is the cover my friend Sue knows as "her" Margaret. After my Margaret years, many more faces looked out from covers, some individual "Margarets," some groups of girl friends. One cover, strangely, is just a bra, but now, stranger still, it is just feet! At first, this struck me as fun, in particular since Sue and I did a project last summer, taking a "foot picture" every day to chronicle life. But on further thought, I am a little sad. When you read Margaret, she becomes a part of you, an early fictional friend, and to only have her feet on the cover, well, it seems a bit limiting, and closed off, not giving you enough of the character.

So, with that in mind, I want to say "Thank you," to my yellow haired, black and orange 70's print dressed Margaret. Thank you for being a friend with a head. Thank you for letting me think I wasn't alone in the strange navigation of growing up. Thank you for being flat chested, and for a poem and exercise to help improve that fact...I think it worked! Thank you, Margaret, for a phrase that begins my own "talks with God" even at the age of 39. I knew you then, I know you now, and even if you are only willing to show your feet, I hope girls continue to know you for years to come. Goodness knows, Margaret, you are getting up there in years, just like me, and according to publishers, this new cover art should freshen you up. You know though, girl, you really need no freshening as you were given so much from the start, from your BRILLIANT creator, Judy Blume. It is always the author that is the key, so to end, Judy Blume, thank YOU. Thank YOU for my, and everyone's Margarets.