Saturday, April 17, 2010

...and we're off. It is time to jet away on vacation. We are in Lansing right now, having had a lovely morning of packing, with a phone call from Sue to break up the monotony and let me know where our Johnny Mayer tickets will be in August. Then we drove down to drop off Lucy with Todd, Katie, kids, and, most importantly to Lu, Barney. After a nice afternoon of watching the dogs get acclimated, and watching baby Norah run from person to person wanting up, we got to mom and dad's. We'll leave here around 6, take off around 9 and be in Miami around 3! Can hardly wait to be cruising down US 1 to Key West! OBVIOUSLY, I will be away from the blog for the week, but I am staying committed to my vow to write everyday of my 39th will just have to be in my JOURNAL! Egad, how last century! So, see you all soon, and have a "coconutty" drink sometime this week, and think of me, in the Keys, doing the same.

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