Sunday, April 25, 2010


It is my first Sunday blog in a week! Last Sunday, I totally evaded the Sunday Grumpies as we were en route to Key West, and, by the end of the day, swimming, in a freaking AWESOME saltwater pool, at the Truman Hotel. Yeah, that was a good day!

6th Sunday of my 40th year - VICTORY CHERYL on her way to KEY WEST!

Today, not as good, but still, not too bad, considering we were facing the end of vacation, as well as coming down off the high of travel.

I have traveled over April break the past two years now, and I am serious when I say that, if I can find a way, I would like to do so EVERY April break for the rest of my teaching career. Back when we had little kids, all I really looked forward to in a vacation was time to be HOME without alarms, and daily structure, just relaxing and not feeling the rush of our normal, day to day life. Now, though, as our kids are getting older, I crave adventure. I am perfectly happy traveling on our own, as Tim and I did last April to Puerto Rico, or with our whole famdamily as we did this past week to Key West, Florida. I just want to GET AWAY! It takes a lot of effort and work to be prepared to leave, but once gone, you are completely in your own zone, refreshing your mind, seeing something new, and, since my April travel tends towards the south, soaking in SUN SUN SUN! The troubles of home still exist, but are put on hold, at least for a while. And, upon return, you know that whatever troubles you ARE facing, will be lessened, when WORK is lessened, in just two short months. Yeah, teaching is tough, but I'll tell ya, summer vacation is worth every penny of stress! Bring it!

Today, I avoided the Sunday Grumpies by...
1. Sleeping in until 9:30!
2. Having a lovely (Hot) Coconut Coffee with Cream and Sugar ON JILL as she is being sponsored by DD to run her marathon! Go Jill!
3. Eating a lovely lasagna prepared by my husband and son...accompanied by a Goose Watch Chambourcin...yum!

7th Sunday of my 40th year - VICTORY CHERYL

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