Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tonight I feel like I am just plain out of words. I read somewhere that due to evolution, and the fact that women, since prehistoric times, have done more of the home tasks, gathering and cooking, childrearing and cleaing, they have always been more social, and thus evolved to have "more words" to use in a day. Men, on the other hand, were off, in parties, hunting, quietly, stealth, using as few words as possible to just barely communicate, and thus men, today, have evolved to have "fewer words" to use in a day. Tim and I often joke about this, and on evenings when he is particularly quiet, I will say to him, "Oh, hon, did you already use up all of your words?" Well, today, I understand what he feels. Gwynn even picked up on it, on our way back from piano she noted, "Mom, you're so humph..." which was funny. It continued when we returned to the house. We ate dinner without much conversation, and I have spent the rest of the night doing and putting away laundry, reading, watching TV, researching Key West information and in any possible other way, just living inside my own head. And I am not really so much in a bad mood either, just out of words. I was dreading having to blog, but held myself to it, and you know, it is kind of funny how much I just said about wanting to say nothing.

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