Could really use a sundae today...to help me with the SUNDAY GRUMPIES! Yeah, for the amount of time that they stayed away, they hit me hard today. I can't even really put my finger on why I feel grumpy, I just do. Tim took the kids to the movies today, and to get a few groceries, and I figured four hours to myself would bring me out, but no, still there, just feeling blah. Maybe I should blame Ke$ha...listening to "Blah Blah Blah" too much MADE me blah...Hmmmmm...
Then again, it could also be not having my after grocery shopping iced coffee...Hmmmmm...
Then again, it could be that I was on vacation in Key West not so long ago, and this past week was the first week back to school, and it was fun to see everyone, but now, we're just into the long haul to the end...Hmmmmm...
Then again it could be the kinda icky "heat but no sun" combination of weather we have had...Hmmmmm...
Whatever it is, or was, I am hoping a good night's sleep takes it away.
8th Sunday of my 40th year - VICTORY SUNDAY GRUMPIES
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