Monday, May 17, 2010

Watched Oprah today, with Will and Jada Smith and their whole family. It was such an inspiring show. They talked all about relationships, and parenting, and about having a family plan, and about how to inspire you children, but to be sure to nurture the dreams that THEY have for THEMSELVES. Such a solid hour of advice, and from a seemingly genuine and grounded Hollywood couple. Who knew?

Then there is their new movie. Gwynn, naturally, was all interested in this new "Karate Kid." It is totally filmed in China, after all. I think the movie impressed her the least, but the story of the whole Smith family packing up and moving to China for 4 months to film, well she was all over that! And, really, so was I in a way. I mean, we go to a good enough school, and our kids do a lot, but BOY do I wish I was brave enough to just pack it all in, and GO! We could take our family on a wild adventure, teach them along the way, write the would be a dream! But alas, then there's that money thing, eh?

You know, maybe Will and Jada would help out! I have a feeling that, as far as the movie goes, if they screw with "Wax on Wax off," I may have to have a little talk with them. I guess that would be the time I could bring it up! "Will, Jada, you see I had an idea for my family...and I know you have some spare cash..."

1 comment:

  1. Hey great idea...think we could do a select group trip!?
