Saturday, May 8, 2010

Today's Random Thoughts...

1. Sleeping in really really really makes me happy...even if sleeping in is only 8:30 AM.

2. Hard work pays off. Devin had solo festival today in Fulton. He "kind of forgot" to get a solo for a while, then had it and kind of forgot to practice. He could have quit, but we said no, held his feet to the fire, and got him through his solo in about two weeks of hard work. Hats off to his wonderful band teacher too, who stayed after with him every night. Devin wasn't thrilled with a Good point from Excellent...but I think it was the perfect score. He saw what good he could do in a short time, but also saw what he could have had. It is really bizarre for me as this same scenario happened to me in 6th grade...and I did quit. It was one of the few times my parents EVER let me quit something I had committed to. Ahhh, life lessons. They are many.

3. Bought my first pair of size 12 pants like EVER in my adult life today. Very exciting!

4. Panera's Fuji Apple Chicken salad...if you have never had it, TRY IT! It is SO SO SO good!

5. Going to settle in now for a windy night of time with my hubby, movie perhaps, and a Smirnoff Blueberry Lemonade...also so good, but even better with a shot of vanilla vodka added to it ...seriously...try that too!

6. How AM I losing weight when, obviously, I am food and drink obsessed? Ahhh, mysteries of life. They are many as well.

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