Thursday, September 30, 2010

I am, literally, stealing my BFF's status update as my blog tonight! She says it so well, so mathematically, how could I not?

Susan Sincavage Hall made it...the school year is officially 10% done. Ok, so my brother Tom Sincavage pointed out that it isn't official till tomorrow, the 18th day or something....but WHATEVER...he is a math guy...I am the ART GODDESS...I look at it as the PAGE on the calendar is DONE...GONE...1 down, 9 to go. 10% done!

Not a math girl myself, nor an art goddess per-say, but as a classroom teacher, it is sounding pretty OK. I mean, I am not going to RUN OUT to hit a 10% off sale, but if I happen upon one, it does cover tax, right? And at the end of October, the school year is 20% done, and I will, usually, put a 20% off coupon to good use.

From there on out it is the holidays, then snow day time, birthday month, and OVER!

Good GOD the school year flies! Or is it yet the next glaringly obvious sign that I am GETTING OLD?!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Firsts and lasts...we all have 'em...all the time. I am immersed in the Lucy Calkins "Units of Writing" right now, with my 4th graders. I read in one of the manuals about haveing kids write personal narrative about he first time they did something as a good way to tap into their ability, and peak their interest, to write. Lasts could work too, but let's face it, kids lives are just chock full of firsts. They happen for us as well, but as adults we need to work a little harder to notice them. I mean, we live vicariously through the firsts of our children for sure, but what of OUR firsts as we get older?

Well, perhaps due to the work I am doing with my class, I was just more midful of my morning, but I, most certainly, had a first today. Offered a ride in, Devin chose to take the bus to school as is his normal routine. Gwynn rode in early with me, for Beginning Band. We got to school around 7:35, and I was in my classroom, alone, by 7:40. I sat there for a moment, arranged my desk, booted up my computer and checked my email, and then sat back and just took the moment in. I was ALONE. It was QUIET.

I took a lot of years of maternity leave for a while. Sometimes people will mention Middle School or High School kids that I don't know, and I attribute it to my "lost years." I had Devin in March '98. Took off all of '98-'99. Then I had Gwynn in March '01 and took off through February of '03. (That also was the winter we didn't work a full week of work from like Feb - May due to snow...but that is another story!) Since returning to work in '03, I have always had a kid in tow. That is 7 years, and don't get me wrong, my kids are good, and occupy themselves when they are in my classroom during the "off hours," but to be alone was truly a first. I got a lot accomplished, I listened to a CD as I worked, I sipped my coffee. I actually had the fleeting thought that MAYBE the morning is a nice time. Perhaps it is not a bad thing to get up earlier in the morning for a few moments of peace and quiet. Maybe, in our busy lives, that is one of the few ways to attain some.

Regardless of the learning involved, I fully and completely enjoyed my first today.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I was reminded today of a formative moment in my elementary school years. The banning of clogs.

I think what brought it to mind is the recent banning of silly bandz, those annoyingly cheap marketing wonderments. I wasn't really having a problem with them in my classroom, as I told kids, "On your wrist or in your pocket, or they belong to me," but there was really no need for them in school either. So, gone they are, for now, or until the next fad comes around.

In my elementary school, which was a four story building mind you, our principal banned clogs. It was the 70's and they were wildly popular. I wanted them badly, and my mom, knowing my complete lack of coordination and grace, said no. Now that I sit on the mom side of things, I am betting my mother did a little happy dance when that notice came home in my folder. It was her "out," her way not to be "meanie mom," but to simply follow through, and enforce the rules established by good old Mrs. Gordon.

Clogs are back in fashion now, as they have been a number of times since I have become a money earning adult. I have bought many a pair and have never quite attained clog nirvana. Never has a pair felt as good on my feet as my youthful desire for them felt deep in my very soul. Who knows, perhaps it is time, once again, for a quest for clogs.

Good thing I have health insurance.

Monday, September 27, 2010

I'm shot. Full day of teaching, and then a bridal shower for a colleague, and then a quick stop home before Open House. 5:30 - 6:30 was the being a parent "hat" at Devin's classes in middle school, then 6:30 - 7:30 was the teacher "hat" in my own classroom. Phew! I know, Becky, that my lame blogging has been the big disappointment of the last few days for you, but, again, I'm outta words! Who'd have thought?! October comes on Friday. Please say "the routine" will have settled in by then. Please.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

"Sunday Gratitude Trumps Sunday Grumpies"
Well, it is amazing how your perspective on Sunday night can change when you realize your spouse has taken Monday morning off to be here when the furnace guys come. All of a sudden, the pressure is off. You know that the morning will start about a half hour later. The laundry can sit overnight and still be done in the morning. A crock pot meal doesn't need to be prepped the night before. Of course, watching all the MSNBC coverage about "Waiting for Superman," I know I should feel guilty that I will be keeping my husband from the students who NEED him, but quite frankly, our family, my sanity, and, at heart, our furnace need him too.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

"Saturday's Randomness"
It's gonna be REAL random, and real short, tonight as it is 9:15 at night and I hardly know where the day has gone! I know I got up a mere 11 hours ago, but I am whooped. Tomorrow, I will WRITE. I have a bunch of ideas floating around in my head so the plan for tomorrow will be to harness them. Wish me luck!

Friday, September 24, 2010

"Coconut Friday!"

Yep, another week down! This one had its ups and downs, but it went by so FAST, and that was just fine.

Tonight, as Tim and Devin went to night two of their hunter's safety course, Gwynn and I called a "Girl's Nite!" It was so nice. First was dinner out at Ruby Tuesday's. I got this yummy sangria, and she got a fun fruit juice drink that
1. came in a tall bar glass,
2. had a cherry on top,
3. had mango pieces mixed in
4. and had free refills to boot!
All that fun for $2.99. I thought that was a pretty good deal, and she just plain loved it. Probably a bad habit to begin in my daughter, but oh well.

Then, on our way home, that favorite song of summer "Hey Soul Sister" by Train came on. We sang along, top of our lungs, barreling down country roads. Gwynn has the best sense of humor and amazing timing. The line came up "My heart is bound to beat right out of my untrimmed chest," and what do I hear from the backseat but, "geez, get a razor would ya?" Almost drove off the road, but God I love that kid!

Parenthood...what fun it is to have the opportunity to ruin someone from the very start! HeeHee! Happy Friday all!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Phew am I ever beat today, but, even in my work a week stupor, I did gain a little wisdom today. I picked up, from a friend's Facebook post actually, a method for mentally getting through the week. Let's call it "The Thursday Slide!" Apparently, right along with getting over "Hump Day" on Wednesdays, we are supposed to climb on the "Thursday Slide" in order to make our way to Friday. You learn something new everyday they say, and that is some learning I can stand behind.
Wheeee....on to FRIDAY!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I had the nicest memory stop by my classroom today. I will admit, I have been stalling with my "small group" at reading time. I had the kids do a Reading Survey for me on Monday, our first day, and then I shared a few of my favorite books with them...James and the Giant Peach of course, Harry Potter, and naturally we discussed Diary of a Wimpy Kid, this year's runaway hit, but then I told them I was going to read them a favorite picture book of mine, Bread and Jam for Frances by Russell Hoban. I was a little nervous about it, as it is a little kid's STORY, but the writing is so mature, and phrasey, and interesting. Even though it was a group of 12 boys and 2 girls - whole grade level is like that God help me - I had them in the palm of my hand! Such is the power of a well read story. So today, I just continued along, and read them another Frances book. This time it was A Baby Sister for Frances, where Frances, feeling left out, "runs away" under the dining room table. Once she "chooses" to reunite with her family, she, or possibly Father, I can't quite remember who, says, quite clearly, "A family is everybody altogether."

I can think of few lines in children's literature I love more than that. Love your families...all of them...whatever they are...where ever they are...families that have love are always altogether.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Just needing to share my two obsessive CDs of late. I have this issue, when I get a new CD or download, where I just plain OVERDOSE on it for a while. Such was the case with Sara Bareillis' "Kaleidoscope Heart." I downloaded it a couple of Fridays ago, and listened to a few songs so many times that I was losing sleep, literally, hearing them playing in my head. I suppose a good solution to this musical insomnia might be taking my iPod to bed with me, and plugging in when I get a song loop going, but who knows, that might just lead to more addiction.

As it ends up, speaking of this addiction, it seems that Sarah B became a gateway drug to Sarah MacLachlan's new release "Laws of Illusion." Now I have always loved Sarah MacLachlan, but as I listened to clips of her new CD, when came out this summer, I just felt underwhelmed. Fast forward to Fall, and listening to "Kaleidoscope Heart," where the song "The Light" was SO reminiscent of her sound, I decided to give her new CD another chance. It is playing in my ears as I type, and am loving it. So Sara B., thanks for bringing me back to Sarah M., again. It's that old friends new friends thing...that old one is silver and the other's gold deal. They both sparkle, they both shine, and blessedly, there is NO need to choose!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Seriously...I got nothin'.

It just is one of those days. It wasn't bad, it wasn't good, it just, WAS. I got up, I went to work, it was a pretty good day, we came home, made dinner and such, watched the finale of "The Great Food Truck Race" on DVR with the kids. Now, kids are heading to bed and I am thinking of heading off in the same direction very soon.

A friend posted an interesting article from Ode magazine on Facebook. This quote seems to sum up my feelings today...

Thich Nhat Hahn, a zen monk, teaches that "we often ask, 'what’s wrong?' Doing so, we invite painful seeds of sorrow to come up and manifest. We feel suffering, anger, and depression, and produce more such seeds. We would be much happier if we tried to stay in touch with the healthy, joyful seeds inside of us and around us. We should learn to ask, 'what’s not wrong?' and be in touch with that."

Well, what's not wrong you ask? I'd say what is not wrong is the fact that today just WAS. There was nothing wrong, there was nothing major, it was just a day, kinda neutral, and that, sometimes, is OK.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

"Sunday Gratitude Trumps Sunday Grumpies"

Well, so much for that. Last weekend the plan was to HAVE a plan, so as to head off the Sunday Grumpies before they start. And this week, I SO had a plan. I knew that on Sunday I'd be headed to a wonderful celebration for my dear friend Val's 60th birthday. It was to be a girl party, at Pleasant Beach Hotel, on the bay, in the sunshine. What could go wrong? Well, can we say car trouble? Tim was heading up to pick up the kids from Sunday School and the car started this chugging. He came home, broke the news to me, called my dad to confer, and decided that it probably was the sparkplug wires. As I headed out to the party, he was working on the car. When I rolled back in the driveway, chauffeured by Sue, HE was the one to ask her to give me a ride to school for the next couple of days. Damn. September sucks! The party was wonderful, and yes, there is much to be thankful for, but the grumpies have me tonight. Drat.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

"Saturday's Randomness"

It was great, again, to sleep in, but today it was only 9 am, not 9:30. Progress towards a regular work/weekend schedule. Also, felt less like I had been hit by a truck, more like a hybrid.

Took Gwynn out shopping and we happened across little black Peter Pan boots for her. She is so happy, and has been spending all afternoon putting together outfits, and making herself wands to stick in said boots a la "Alex" from "Wizards of Waverly Place!" What a fun way to spend a home, in your room, creating a little world of your own.

I still stand by old statements I made on Sue's and my old blog about little old men in grocery stores. Today, Gwynn and I had a discussion with a little old man about the fact that he had remembered his reusable shopping bags, and we had not. I am going to do an "encore presentation" from the blog, though, because the theory still holds true.

It is also interesting that this was written almost EXACTLY three years ago...weird. Do thoughts just cycle through us at the same times each year? Experiences? Hmmm...mental fodder for sure, but for another day.

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Gonna start slow here, as is seems I just can't find the time to write these days. Humorously, there is an entry sitting both in my mind, and in my drafts, that is all about "Finishing." It has been sitting there, UNfinished since August. So shoot me, I'm a teacher, what can I say, September is a bear. There was that song by Green Day, out a few years ago, called "Wake Me Up When September Ends." Yeah, pretty much sums it up.

SO, my thinking is that I need to get on here and just record my random babble now and then, not feel like I need a fully processed and thought through piece, as I usually like to do. If pressed for time, I should still push myself creatively, to some extent.

Anyways, my funny little think thought from LAST WEEKEND that I am finally getting out there is this...

Did you ever notice that little old men are the friendliest people out in public? I mean, I am generally one of those people who actually makes eye contact with others in public, smiles, talks, so I must seem approachable I guess. (Sue will attest to this, truth be told, as I always attract the weirdos too, but that is another blog) Yet, so many people my age are just barreling through their days, rushing here and there, less likely to say "Hi" to a stranger. Older ladies usually seem a bit more guarded. But Older men always smile. They wave, say "Hi" or even ask "How are you?" and make a little social conversation. Are they simply products of their generation, more skilled in politeness, or do they think I am a hottie? My better guess is that as you age, you know more and remember less, and anyone you see could be someone you forgot you know. They are just covering their bases.

See, random, but it makes ya think, eh?!

Friday, September 17, 2010

It's another "Found the Coconut Friday," and I am less dog tired than I was last week. I call that progress. I am more organized at work and home. Also progress. Today was a good day with my students, and then it was pizza and beer and a family movie at home. I found the coconut for sure, and this weekend, I intend to relax, catch up, and catch z's. Blessed Friday, Saturday and Sunday you have so much more meaning when I work...and today was a PAYDAY to boot! Welcome Friday - Life is Good!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Change is tough. I have been dealing with it in so many aspects of life these days it is no wonder I am feeling overwhelmed. There's the new school year all around, mine compounded by being at a new grade level, in a new room. Then there is the change of season, and today, driving to school with my toes FREEZING I had to admit that sandals in 50 degree weather are probably not the best choice, and it just might be time to dig out the closed toe shoes. Then, to top it off, tonight, as I clicked on my iTunes to play some music and blog, I realized that, apparently, the latest update has changed the program's format entirely. Even the icon in the dock is new. I mean, I muddled through, figured out how to navigate, just like I am everything else in life that has been turned topsy turvy, but I am not really liking it even one little bit. Tell me, Apple, was it really NECESSARY to change the close/minimize/maximize buttons from horizontal to vertical? Small, I know, but I am holding on to every bit of normalcy I can these days. iTunes, you let me down, but at least KT Tunstell still brought me a mantra in song...

Hold on
To what you
Been given lately
Hold on
To what you
Know you got
Hold on
To what you
Been given lately
Hold on
Cause the world will turn if you're ready or not

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The sun through the clouds has looked a little like this the last few mornings...very favorite word...and also very indicative of life at work these days. One has to be sure to focus on the sun through the clouds.

I'm not going to go too far into it here, because I know that I am in part hormonal, sleep deprived, and grieving my summer, but work today felt lonely and long. It had very little to do with the kids and much to do with myriad other things. But somehow, God knows when you need confirmation that you matter. I had a reminder of what it is all about when a kid who has not loved school too much, for a lot of years, came up to me at the end of the day for his agenda check, with a really glowing and happy letter to his parents. I said to him, "Wow, what a nice letter!" and his reply was, "Yeah, I actually I like school this year."

There is a reason I am doing what I am doing, and a reason I am doing it where I am.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Had a little bit of an epiphany tonight. I have a 7th grade boy in my house, and now, I finally and fully understand why I just DID NOT GET 7th grade boys when I was a 7th grade girl.

I have such clear memories of who I was in 7th grade. I know I started to love reading and writing with a passion. I was obsessed with Duran Duran and, through deep and thorough analysis of their song lyrics, obscure as they were, was fully convinced that they knew my inner soul. I spent hours of my life pouring over Young Miss and Seventeen magazines, hoping to be able to, someday, put together just the right outfit, or hairstyle, or makeup conbination that might make me popular. I worked hard in school and did my homework. I practiced my clarinet. Deep down, I wanted to please my parents and make them proud of me, even though I hid it in aloof attitude and dismissiveness.

BUT 7th grade boys...I am convinced that all they are really interested in in life is a good poop joke.
I love my son, but REALLY! Dinner should never include poop jokes, even if I HAVE made chili!


Monday, September 13, 2010

Can we just say LONG MONDAY?

Here it was the first day of the final season of Oprah, which I have been looking forward to, and where was I, but trapped in the pediatrician's office, grading papers, monitoring Devin and Gwynn doing homework, and WAITING. Sigh. I can't really complain, as I was the one, even being a teacher, who forgot her son was going into 7th grade and needed a physical, but still...the waiting is the hardest part.

Then it was even harder when we got home and realize that the homework Devin did while trapped in the examination room was actually the wrong assignment. Just an FYI, "ditto" to a 7th grader does NOT mean a separate piece of paper.

Like I said, long day, long night too, but Oprah, I'm gonna try to be there tomorrow!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

"Sunday Gratitude Trumps Sunday Grumpies"

I have, many a time, joked that some of my "habits" are cheaper than therapy, but you know, this summer, while learning more about my insurance coverage, I learned that psychiactric help is 100% covered. So much for that justification. But, still, I suppose knowing the ways I can help keep my OWN head above water still saves me deductible monies, as well as the time it would take to get my butt TO a psychiatric appointment, so perhaps my theory still stands.

Those of you who always read this blog will recall that,during the school year, I like to report on how I beat the Sunday Grumpies. Well, this year I am taking a more proactive approach. Each week, I plan to go INTO Sunday EXPECTING to beat the grumpies, through noticing the things I am grateful for, and my blog will report on the plan I used. This week I was grateful to practice Pumpkin Submission.

Every year, in late August, food retailing does "the big shift" towards fall products. You start to see the Octoberfest beers and Fall flavored foods lining the shelves, and I LOVE Fall flavors, so I want to buy. Still, I force myself to hold back. At the end of August, I still want to be tropical. I still want to savor the tastes of summer vacation. I still want my Bud Light with Lime, and my ice cream. I still want to barbecue. I try to stick with those things.

Well, today, with the first week of school behind me, I decided it was time, and a little fall wouldn't hurt. I dug out the Yankee Candles in Macintosh, Granny Smith, and Autumn Wreath, got a Pumpkin Spice Iced Coffee at Dunkin on my way home from groceries. I made chili while the Giants beat Carolina, and drank some Harvest Moon beer. It was Pumpkin Submission, and it was GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!

So, today, I need to say, Fall Flavors, thank you for keeping those Sunday Grumpies at bay.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

"Saturday's Randomness"

It was awfully nice to sleep in...until 9:30 I hate to admit! Still felt like crap though, and was in a fog all day. Hoping that tomorrow is better in that respect. Of course getting my period JUST after putting the kids on the bus at the end of the school day may have something to do with how I feel too. Who says stress doesn't influence our hormonal flux?

Had a long talk with my girl today. She was feeling down in the dumps too. This is her first year in a class without her best friend, and it is just a big change. We got through it, but it was just a sad, sad day. Whew, won't be too long and it'll be TWO hormonal women in the house. Yikes!

Dinner out was a good choice. The Press Box has the best burgers in Oswego!

Am curled up on the couch now watching back to back episodes of the abc show Parenthood. Started to watch it last season and got behind on DVR and kind of gave up. I am really enjoying it, though. Lauren Graham just plays the best harried, manic, overworked and overwhelmed mother. I guess I am just relating. It starts again for the new season this Tuesday...maybe I will give it another try.

OK, back to my cozy couch, and fleece blanket, and tea.

Friday, September 10, 2010

So, we're back to "Found the Coconut Fridays." Yep, actual pattern to the blog. Sigh. Summer is LONG gone. Fall is here, and school, even in 4 short days, is in full swing. We need to find the coconut in as many ways as we can. It is interesting, though, to be "feeling" the Friday energy again. This week, I have been beat, and have been yawning my way to bed by 10 every night. Right now, though, I could push through. I am definitely tired, but knowing it is Friday, and knowing that tomorrow there is no alarm, and, blessedly, nothing on the calendar, I could stay up a while longer. I could push through. I could hit a second wind. Or, I could choose to go to bed right now. I am a working person again, and the weekend has regained its meaning. Work, during the week, owns me, for sure, but the weekend, in particular Friday night, is mine. There is power in that. Enjoy your Friday night everyone! Monday, at least for this brief moment in time, is far, far away.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I was thinking today, good GOD, what is your problem with your blog writing the last week or so? You've been at this "Write Every Day" gig for over 6 months, why is it suddenly so hard? Well, I came to the conclusion that perhaps it is because I picked up the habit in March, when life is as busy as usual, but school/work is predictable, has its patterns, and is a managable beast. In contrast, this week was the first week of school. The beginning of the school year is SO intense and SO exhausting, I don't even have an ounce of energy left when I get home, let alone the wherewithall to be insightful or witty. It is such a great time too, as I feel like I am doing really good teaching, and getting the kids to "eat out of my hand," all of which pay off greatly in the long run, but boy oh boy does the whole thing wipe me out!

Onwards to Friday, and then, the first blessed WEEKEND!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First day of school down, and luckily I am able to post a full out smile! That's all ya get though. Back to REAL writing soon, I promise, but the first days of school SO kick my butt! Tomorrow will be easier, Friday even more so, and by the end of next week, we'll be in a full routine. Until then, we'll see how the blogging goes, but overall, feelings are good.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Well, we'll go with a sunshiny half smile for today. It was a pretty good one, really, and I am very excited now, and ready, for a new school year to start. But I am still a little bummed out. Probably only natural. Mom and Dad were up today and spent this last summery day with the kids. Mom made dinner, which was wonderful. Now, I barely have it in me to even type this much. Still, I know it takes time to build back up to full school speed. That's what these next three days are for, to ease in, to enjoy my students, and to come home at night and love my little family of 4. A friend's blog tonight really reminded me that these days with my own children in school with me are few, and are precious. Thanks Danette! I needed that!

Monday, September 6, 2010

I know I have been gone for a few days, writing analog at camp for Labor Day, but, sorry, today all ya get is a sad face. Last day of our summer...and it has been SUCH a wonderful one. I am just plain bummed out. I am sure I will be better tomorrow, as the new school year BEGINS, but I hate endings. Always have, always will.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Have been watching a lot of Anthony Bourdain re-runs on Travel Channel. Three reasons I guess, one being I am on summer vacation and I can do whatever the hell I feel like. Other than that, his show, "No Reservations," is just great television, and also, his 100th episode is coming up on Monday, so Travel Channel is overdoing in celebratory, or perhaps brainwashing, fashion. Whatever it is, I have been fine with the audio visual gluttony.

Today, at the end of his Spain episode, after watching a man make hand crafted chocolate eggs, and another man grill things like caviar, and local artisan sausage, and delicate eel, with his own, hand made charcoal, I caught the best quote.

"It's a beautiful thing when the reality lives up to your hopes and expectations, when everything, everything, is as good as anything could be."

Instantly I had to pause and rewind, multiple times, in order to take that in. Anthony is nothing if not, at times, blunt, to the point, and caustic. He is hard to impress, but still, he was GUSHING at the end of this episode, being kissed on the cheek by the chef who had cooked for him, and looking like he could even shed a tear. He is a man who has see it ALL in the culinary world, and probably a lot in the regular world as well, but it was good to hear that, even at that point, you can still be impressed, when something is done with sincerity, and heart. You can still have wonder. Expectations can be a dangerous thing, and sometimes lowering them is a good tactic for the maintenance of ones personal sanity, but sometimes, every now and then, expectations are exceeded, and yes, it IS a beautiful thing. Thanks for the reminder, Anthony, and thanks for 99 great episodes, with many more to come.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I hardly even have the energy to type as sun and soaking sucked the energy right out of me.

Gwynn was down at mom and dad's for the last three days and today, while Tim went in for his first glorious staff day, Devin and I went to Lansing to pick her up. We got there around 11:30, and spent the whole day in the pool. Got out around 5! Seriously! Mom even brought lunch down and we ate poolside.

A drive to Lansing - just gas $
A whole day swimming in mom and dad's pool - free
Your mom fixing you lunch, anytime, but in particular poolside - priceless

Summer is winding down for sure, but with amazing days like this under my belt, who cares! Summer, keep it coming! And fall, I am banking up my sun time worries...I will be good to go for while!

In fact, when I think about it, maybe the picture up above is trying to tell me something. Having been a swimmer in High school, lane lines kind of give me equal parts thrill and irregular heart beat, just like the beginning of any given school year. Then there is the lounge chair, and palm tree. I mean, who can't get behind that? Maybe it is just my type of photographic representation of fall. What you must do, what you must face, is laid out in front of you, but the key is to remain zen, and keep your summertime attitude at hand?

Hmmmm...deep thoughts from the deep end...