I am, literally, stealing my BFF's status update as my blog tonight! She says it so well, so mathematically, how could I not?
Susan Sincavage Hall made it...the school year is officially 10% done. Ok, so my brother Tom Sincavage pointed out that it isn't official till tomorrow, the 18th day or something....but WHATEVER...he is a math guy...I am the ART GODDESS...I look at it as the PAGE on the calendar is DONE...GONE...1 down, 9 to go. 10% done!
Not a math girl myself, nor an art goddess per-say, but as a classroom teacher, it is sounding pretty OK. I mean, I am not going to RUN OUT to hit a 10% off sale, but if I happen upon one, it does cover tax, right? And at the end of October, the school year is 20% done, and I will, usually, put a 20% off coupon to good use.
From there on out it is the holidays, then snow day time, birthday month, and OVER!
Good GOD the school year flies! Or is it yet the next glaringly obvious sign that I am GETTING OLD?!