Saturday, September 18, 2010

"Saturday's Randomness"

It was great, again, to sleep in, but today it was only 9 am, not 9:30. Progress towards a regular work/weekend schedule. Also, felt less like I had been hit by a truck, more like a hybrid.

Took Gwynn out shopping and we happened across little black Peter Pan boots for her. She is so happy, and has been spending all afternoon putting together outfits, and making herself wands to stick in said boots a la "Alex" from "Wizards of Waverly Place!" What a fun way to spend a home, in your room, creating a little world of your own.

I still stand by old statements I made on Sue's and my old blog about little old men in grocery stores. Today, Gwynn and I had a discussion with a little old man about the fact that he had remembered his reusable shopping bags, and we had not. I am going to do an "encore presentation" from the blog, though, because the theory still holds true.

It is also interesting that this was written almost EXACTLY three years ago...weird. Do thoughts just cycle through us at the same times each year? Experiences? Hmmm...mental fodder for sure, but for another day.

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Gonna start slow here, as is seems I just can't find the time to write these days. Humorously, there is an entry sitting both in my mind, and in my drafts, that is all about "Finishing." It has been sitting there, UNfinished since August. So shoot me, I'm a teacher, what can I say, September is a bear. There was that song by Green Day, out a few years ago, called "Wake Me Up When September Ends." Yeah, pretty much sums it up.

SO, my thinking is that I need to get on here and just record my random babble now and then, not feel like I need a fully processed and thought through piece, as I usually like to do. If pressed for time, I should still push myself creatively, to some extent.

Anyways, my funny little think thought from LAST WEEKEND that I am finally getting out there is this...

Did you ever notice that little old men are the friendliest people out in public? I mean, I am generally one of those people who actually makes eye contact with others in public, smiles, talks, so I must seem approachable I guess. (Sue will attest to this, truth be told, as I always attract the weirdos too, but that is another blog) Yet, so many people my age are just barreling through their days, rushing here and there, less likely to say "Hi" to a stranger. Older ladies usually seem a bit more guarded. But Older men always smile. They wave, say "Hi" or even ask "How are you?" and make a little social conversation. Are they simply products of their generation, more skilled in politeness, or do they think I am a hottie? My better guess is that as you age, you know more and remember less, and anyone you see could be someone you forgot you know. They are just covering their bases.

See, random, but it makes ya think, eh?!

1 comment:

  1. OMG...that is TOO funny! I just love that about our blog. LOVE it....and yes, find so many times that my writing cycles itself...
