Sunday, September 12, 2010

"Sunday Gratitude Trumps Sunday Grumpies"

I have, many a time, joked that some of my "habits" are cheaper than therapy, but you know, this summer, while learning more about my insurance coverage, I learned that psychiactric help is 100% covered. So much for that justification. But, still, I suppose knowing the ways I can help keep my OWN head above water still saves me deductible monies, as well as the time it would take to get my butt TO a psychiatric appointment, so perhaps my theory still stands.

Those of you who always read this blog will recall that,during the school year, I like to report on how I beat the Sunday Grumpies. Well, this year I am taking a more proactive approach. Each week, I plan to go INTO Sunday EXPECTING to beat the grumpies, through noticing the things I am grateful for, and my blog will report on the plan I used. This week I was grateful to practice Pumpkin Submission.

Every year, in late August, food retailing does "the big shift" towards fall products. You start to see the Octoberfest beers and Fall flavored foods lining the shelves, and I LOVE Fall flavors, so I want to buy. Still, I force myself to hold back. At the end of August, I still want to be tropical. I still want to savor the tastes of summer vacation. I still want my Bud Light with Lime, and my ice cream. I still want to barbecue. I try to stick with those things.

Well, today, with the first week of school behind me, I decided it was time, and a little fall wouldn't hurt. I dug out the Yankee Candles in Macintosh, Granny Smith, and Autumn Wreath, got a Pumpkin Spice Iced Coffee at Dunkin on my way home from groceries. I made chili while the Giants beat Carolina, and drank some Harvest Moon beer. It was Pumpkin Submission, and it was GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!

So, today, I need to say, Fall Flavors, thank you for keeping those Sunday Grumpies at bay.

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