Friday, September 10, 2010

So, we're back to "Found the Coconut Fridays." Yep, actual pattern to the blog. Sigh. Summer is LONG gone. Fall is here, and school, even in 4 short days, is in full swing. We need to find the coconut in as many ways as we can. It is interesting, though, to be "feeling" the Friday energy again. This week, I have been beat, and have been yawning my way to bed by 10 every night. Right now, though, I could push through. I am definitely tired, but knowing it is Friday, and knowing that tomorrow there is no alarm, and, blessedly, nothing on the calendar, I could stay up a while longer. I could push through. I could hit a second wind. Or, I could choose to go to bed right now. I am a working person again, and the weekend has regained its meaning. Work, during the week, owns me, for sure, but the weekend, in particular Friday night, is mine. There is power in that. Enjoy your Friday night everyone! Monday, at least for this brief moment in time, is far, far away.

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