Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Just needing to share my two obsessive CDs of late. I have this issue, when I get a new CD or download, where I just plain OVERDOSE on it for a while. Such was the case with Sara Bareillis' "Kaleidoscope Heart." I downloaded it a couple of Fridays ago, and listened to a few songs so many times that I was losing sleep, literally, hearing them playing in my head. I suppose a good solution to this musical insomnia might be taking my iPod to bed with me, and plugging in when I get a song loop going, but who knows, that might just lead to more addiction.

As it ends up, speaking of this addiction, it seems that Sarah B became a gateway drug to Sarah MacLachlan's new release "Laws of Illusion." Now I have always loved Sarah MacLachlan, but as I listened to clips of her new CD, when came out this summer, I just felt underwhelmed. Fast forward to Fall, and listening to "Kaleidoscope Heart," where the song "The Light" was SO reminiscent of her sound, I decided to give her new CD another chance. It is playing in my ears as I type, and am loving it. So Sara B., thanks for bringing me back to Sarah M., again. It's that old friends new friends thing...that old one is silver and the other's gold deal. They both sparkle, they both shine, and blessedly, there is NO need to choose!

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