Friday, December 10, 2010

Best Coconut Friday EVER! Started with pizza and beer, then watched "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation," for the bazillionth time ourselves, but for the first time with the kids.

As a mom moment here, I will warn that the movie has a few language moments for sure, but nothing worse than they hear on the bus, or than I head from Great Uncle George when I was a kid. What was the line? Oh yeah, "DO NOT repeat anything your Uncle George says!"

Never really realized, too, that "Christmas Vacation" is a John Hughes film.

Had a funny moment of connection with Clark, as he was going off on his boss about the Jelly of the Month Club, given as the bonus of his 17th year with his company. I am in my 17th working year as well. Sigh. Just me and Clark. Traversing those mid-life blues. Maybe I'll put in a pool this summer...the Clark W. Griswold Family pool.
Oh to dream!
Happy Friday to all and to all a Good Night!

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