Friday, December 31, 2010

It is the auspicious last "Coconut Friday" of 2010...but this blog is going to sound more like a "Saturday's Randomness," after having been on an extended blogging vacation. I fell off the connectedness map, to tell the truth, and it was much, much, much needed. In 7 days virtually computer free, by choice, my mind quieted, I enjoyed my family, I slept, I talked, I read, I celebrated, I did whatever it was I wanted, no restraints, no alarms, no obligations, no lists...pure BLISS.

December 23rd brought a full day of 4th graders and pre Christmas excitement.
The 24th was a busy day, preparing as a family, and even making Shepard's Pie for dinner...for the shepards, ya know...might become a new Howell family tradition, time will tell.
Then the 25th and 26th were wonderful Christmas Days, with my family, and then Tim's.
The 27th and 28th brought the inevitable crash of jammie days.
Still, the 29th and 30th ushered in the reconnection with Tim's and my "fabulous date night," Mom's and my "great shopping day," and lunch date, and also, of course, Katie's birthday, repleat with Indian food galore, which I discovered that I LOVE! (learned that I like good scotch over break too, but that story may be for another day:)

Phew! Makes me tired just looking at it! And life is constantly like that around here...there are few days these days that aren't chock full of something, but, once December 25th was over, I felt free of any and all obligation for a little while, blog included. This blog is a committment to ME to write everyday, and has been in the back of my mind each and every day since March 2nd, but as the project comes to a close, I can see it winding down. I enjoy, even crave, some time away from it, but know I will come back. It has become a good habit. I have learned that I can committ to something, and keep at it, with self discipline and self discipline alone. I have learned that sometimes I have a lot to say, sometimes a little. I have created a snapshot of my 40th year, for myself, and for my kids, someday, to know who their crazy mother was at this time in her life.

Most of all, I have done for myself, perhaps, what I most wanted to do in the first place. I have proven to myself, that I truly am a writer.

With that said, welcome 2011. My 40th birthday is on the horizon, and I am looking forward to its promise of a new phase in my life. I am anxious, and excited, to start anew.

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