Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How sad that THE DAY AFTER I put a link to this blog up on Facebook, ready to "keep myself honest" in my quest to write every day of my 40th year, I am SO SO SO not in the mood to write. Actually, I am always in the mood to write, but I am just so TIRED. It has been a really long week, one where it is hard to believe it is only Wednesday, and one where there is still a lot ahead. We get into "birthday season" here at our house, and, as much fun as that is, it is a game of preparation and planning as well. Then there is work. Ya gotta love when you are trying to teach a group of squirrelly third graders, but have to have someone cover your room on the fly so you can haul yourself over to the highschool for CSE meetings not once, not twice, not even three times, but four. Sigh. At least that is done.

Maybe I can attribute the fatigue and exhaustion to something else altogether, though. Maybe it is just some bad former boyfriend juju. Today, I unearthed this beautiful sterling silver collar necklace that my high-school boyfriend gave me, years ago. (obviously.) I had (kind of) forgotten I had it, and then, thought of it the other day when my friend had one on with a great slide. I dug it out of the bottom of my jewelry armoire, where it has sat for years, and I wore it today. I got a ton of compliments, but it also just felt a little odd. Not that this former boyfriend is even in my life at all anymore, but, our breakup was not really nice...for him at maybe this jewelry carries that bad juju. I mean, it is certainly water under the over 20 year old bridge, and I DID break up with him to be with the man I eventually married, but still...a perfectly good piece of jewelry, with bad juju. Now THAT makes me sad.

(Hmmm, maybe I wasn't too tired to write after all:)

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