Thursday, March 11, 2010

Today's Topic - Food (Namely Cheese Puffs)

So I got the chance to catch Michael Pollan on Oprah today, even if it was a repeat. It came at a good time for me, anyways, as I am also, currently, reading his book. The Omnivore's Dilemma, for those unfamilar, is all about conscious eating. So many kids today have no idea where their food comes from, adults too, I would guess. Our grocery stores are full of processed and convenience foods, to a much higher degree than real true foods. Then there is the issue of hormones in meat supplies that my pediatrician reminds us about regularly. What's a girl to do, that is, what's a girl to do, when she does believe in the premise of sustainable agriculture and whole foods and cooking, but she still has a certain love, aforementioned in this blog even, for cheese puffs?

WELL, Michael Pollan gave the best advice ever today! He said, sure, eat junk food, but only if you make it yourself! He gave the example of french fries, which he admitted to loving, but which are a pain to make. One has to make the conscious choice to really want to go to the trouble to make them. And how often would one want to do that? Perhaps it would be once, maybe twice a month, and, he said, that is about as often as they should be eaten.

Therefore, if I love the cheese puff, I need to go on a quest for great cheese puff recipes. I (think) I could go without the cellophane bag variety forever if I could figure out how to make the ones pictured above. And I KNOW I could choke 'em down with my locally produced, sustainable Finger Lakes Region wine. No guilt there! A quest for the perfect cheese puff, what could be more noble?

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