Thursday, March 25, 2010

Just took a hit of iTunes. I have a problem. An iTunes problem. It is like a dollar store for me, although they pumped a lot of their prices up to $1.29, and that annoys me to no end, but still, do I stop? Signs of addiction all point here.

I was on that Duran Duran kick a couple of days ago, so today, poking around iTunes, I found all of these obscure tunes...a solo one from Andy Taylor, that I did remember, "Take it Easy." Good rocking out tune. There was this techno"ish" song "Nobody Knows, " by Simon LeBon that I just had to have. Then there was finding THE song John Taylor wrote for the movie "9 1/2 Weeks," called "I Do What I Do." Yum. Anyone for raiding the refridgerator?

Moving on from my Fab 5, there was another find. I have obsessions with certain songs, and also an obsession with cover songs. The song is, "Hello, It's Me," by Todd Rundgren, which I have in my iTunes library in its original version, and covered by 3 different groups. Well, tonight, that grew to 4. Like I said, addiction. Then again, yesterday was so crappy with my damn ticket, and today was so yucky and rainy, doesn't a girl deserve a little something to get her through a gloomy Thursday?

Seriously, that is about all I have for today. I am just feeling a great big void today, in life and existence, and as far as writing goes too. Most days, since I have started this blog, either a topic has come to me...again, reference yesterday...or I have changed my way of looking at the world in such a way that I see topics and ideas everywhere I go. Today, I was just getting through the day. It has just been such a rough, long, dreary week.

Life has just changed so much, the last few years or so. As the kids have gotten older, there are so many more committments, even for our kids who are NOT overscheduled. Then there are the weekends, where we, occationally, get into patterns where we are simply accomodating our children's social lives, while we have none of our own. Tim and I communicate more through email at work, some days than we do at home. There, we joke, we flirt, but then we come home and the flirty fun is replaced by piano lessons, or dance, or scouts, laundry, bills, phone calls, baths, name it. It is getting through, alright, but at times, it is not really so much fun.

iTunes, take me away.


  1. I'm with you, Cheryl! We aren't even at your stage yet, kid-wise, but you have described my life (minus flirty work email, and actually, minus work for me, which is its own problem). The beauty will come back, it always does. RIGHT!?!?!?

  2. HA! I guess the key to this phase is REMEMBERING that the beauty IS always there, just harder to find a lot of the time.
