Friday, March 26, 2010

One of the reasons I pushed myself to do this blog, and to write EVERYDAY is because I found myself regularly having the time to come up with witty status updates for my Facebook page. In a moment of clarity, figured out that if I could be witty in little spurts, stringing a few together might actually equate to real writing. Well, who knew, it is actually proving to be true. You DO in fact find the time to do what you put your mind to.

Well, today, as a tribute to my initial inspiration, I wrote down status updates throughout my day...what I might have said on Facebook if it were not blocked at my school. Mature...I know...but it WAS fun!

Cheryl Southard Howell drives too fast when good songs are on the radio.

Cheryl Southard Howell is happy to have Cuyler Crew today, and that someone made that blueberry coconut stuff...yum!

Cheryl Southard Howell is hearing the familar sound of a certain rolling backpack coming down that hall...sigh.

Cheryl Southard Howell thinks the book Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism is one of her favorite read alouds EVER!

Cheryl Southard Howell thinks the school pizza is pretty OK today.

Cheryl Southard Howell is thinking she might just make it through the day.

Cheryl Southard Howell is not sure WHY she said she would dismiss her colleague's class.

Cheryl Southard Howell is exceedingly happy to be home.

Cheryl Southard Howell just dropped Gwynn off for a sleepover party and should not complain about her house being small.

Cheryl Southard Howell is making not so healthy nachos for dinner.

Cheryl Southard Howell thinks that if she adds real lime to her Bud Light with Lime it is KIND OF like a health drink.

So, that takes us to now, and a few more Bud Lights with Lime.
Happy Friday to all and to all a GOOD night!

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