Friday, March 5, 2010

You know, Oprah does her "Fridays Live" stint, and I kind of think I should mimic and do "Fridays Dead" here. I have always been such a lover of Fridays, though, and still am, even if my Fridays have become oh so tame, so the vibe of that kind of feels wrong. I guess the more diplomatic thing would be to examine the evolution of Fridays in my life.

As a kid, my family did all kinds of rocking things on Fridays. My best memories involve nights out having pizza at Brothers Two, a great (cheap) pizza joint down in the Triple Cities area of New York, and then, if it was a real crazy night, trips to the library. Now, this may sound tame, but I usually was allowed to bring a friend along, and let me tell you, my friend Kim and I knew our way around the non-fiction if you know what I mean. Paired with Judy Blume that pretty much summed up my sexual education, and trust me, it came my way FAR before "the film strip" in school, and it taught me much more as well.

As middle and high school came and went, so did dances and dates.

Then college brought nights out partying (read as drinking), and if truth be told, those types of Fridays lived on FAR into early marriage as well. What would you expect from people who had disposable income and lived on the same street as their best friends, still IN their college town?

Even when the kids were little, and we were tired beyond belief, I still had this "thing," of liking to go out on Friday night. Just for dinner, granted, but for some reason my weekend didn't feel "right" without a certain type of tip off.

Well, as is evidenced by this blog, and when I am writing, I am F-I-N-E FINE with being IN IN IN on a Friday night, here in my 4th day of my 40th year. Currently, Tim and Devin are competing on the Playstation II, Gwynn is curled up behind me with a book, and I, earbuds in my ears, am blogging away. I've had my couple of glasses of Merlot, and am ready to curl up in what I affectionately call my Cymbalta blanket, (as in who needs Cymbalta if they have this blanket) to watch a movie with my sweetie.
So I suppose the sign off, for now, at this point in my life at least, is this...
Rock on Friday, Rock on...and rock me right off to sweet, sweet sleep.

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