Wednesday, March 24, 2010

SO, how much is that coffee REALLY costing you?

So, today started out reasonably well. Sun was shining, my crazy class was pretty OK, and I knew I was going to be leaving school at 3 or so to go to the gynecologist. Yeah, I was seeing that as good because 1. It was getting me out of work early 2. I really do like my gynecologist as he's a talker and always has interesting information to share or stories to tell and 3. The doctor visit was merely "a stop on my way to the mall" as Sue always says, as I planned to stop out to JCPenney's to use my $15 off birthday month certificate. Yeah, things were pretty OK.

Well, let's fast forward. Got done at the Dr's too late to shop so I headed home, but stopped at Dunkin for an iced coffee. They totally screwed up my order, and I drove away clearly thinking, "Hmmm, maybe I will blog about wasting $2.47 on crappy coffee today." As I drove, annoyed, and admittedly on auto pilot, I tuned the radio to a commedian, and got giggling a bit. I figured there was no reason bad coffee should ruin my night, when what do I see in my rearview mirror but those familar red lights. I was most certainly getting pulled over, and after a lovely exchange where I tried to be nice to the happy happy officer, I found out I was being pulled over for going 60 in a 40! Great. He was such a personable guy, I could tell, talking was going to get me nowhere, so I drove home, figuring we'd deal with it there.

Finally, to just top off the fiasco, as I drove in my driveway, I felt a crack, and my sunglasses fell right off my face, no warning! At this point there was nothing else to do but laugh. So how much DID that bad coffee cost? $2.47, a speeding ticket, AND a new pair of sunglasses. For real. Friday, please...

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