Monday, August 23, 2010

Don't have much writing in me these days. I do, seriously, think I am still on recovery from the breakneck travel and fun pace that our summer has had. Plus, today, we painted the ceiling in our living room. Well, Tim painted it, to be truthful, but a big project seriously disrupts family life all around. Two rainy days have also created a messy "ish" yard, which is not so much fun with a black lab around. Yeah, I am making excuses, but I also am cutting myself a little bit of summer slack here.

I did finish another book these last couple of days, Mennonite in a Little Black Dress by Rhoda Janzen. This one was pretty good, and had a bunch of laugh out loud/read out loud to tolerant husband moments for sure. The first chapter alone was 23 pages that made me TOTALLY OK with turning 40, and that is, at root, the purpose of this blog is it not? Reading that first chapter would make anyone go "Hmmm, my life really is pretty OK, I guess." That in and of itself is a reason this book will stay on my shelf. The interactions between the author and her mother really had me giggling too, thinking to myself that we're all more similar, as people, than we are different. Then there was the Mennonite Primer in the back of the book, which was informative AND funny as hell!

What to read next, what to do next, where to go next...two weeks of summer left...

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