Thursday, August 12, 2010

R's are creeping in again it seems...

I respect people who work in professions other than teaching, and thus work in the summer months.

Tomorrow I have a math curriculum work day. I have been dreading it all week as I am so bummed to have to actually get UP and go to WORK! My more mature self, though, is well aware that a lot of people, most people actually, do it all summer long, eh? With that in mind, I will stop my whining and forge ahead.

I also respect the strength I see in the women around me.

I was doing a lot of thinking about lives out there, that at least at this moment in time, are a whole lot harder than mine. We're all faced with hardships over and over and over again in life, but sometimes they come hard and fast and seemingly all at once. I spent time today with a friend who is going through so much right now, and my heart, tonight, is with her. I also have a friend who is moving on in a big way tomorrow. My heart is with her as well. Another friend is facing the inevitable moving on of her parents, and my heart is with her.

So, sorry to be a little bit of a downer tonight, but I just don't have it in me...

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