Monday, August 30, 2010

Today was such a milestone day for us. Dropped over a thousand, that I really didn't have being that it is the end of the summer, on our downpayment, but after all the waiting, and "6 month appointments," Devin FINALLY got his braces on! As much as I miss my little kids at times, I just love how they are growing up, and, braces are a big step in that direction.

I said to Tim the other day that our summers just keep getting better and better, and I figure the only real big shift or change in life has been the kids getting older. They need less "tending" and therefore there is just so much more freedom, for them, for us, for our family as a whole. We can travel wherever, whenever, at the drop of a hat. They LOVE going to their grandparents' homes, alone OR together. Bedtime is flexible, tasks can be shared as a family, and, perhaps the best thing is, they can make their OWN BREAKFAST! (Lunch, and even some dinners too! And I'm not just talkin' Easy Mac! My kids can COOK!)

Some people love little newborn babies, and others thrive with pre-schoolers, but as I continue on my journey, I think I am finding that I am a REALLY GOOD older kids mom. I don't know if I would have predicted that, but the longer I live, the more I realize you never know...

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