Monday, August 16, 2010

Just a little humorous anecdote for your Monday. Male readers, beware...I'm talking about "womanly things" today...well, that, and media...well, just read on and you'll see.

Sometimes, when I think about it, we watch a lot of "stuff" in our house, of varying degrees of seriousness. We love a well written series, and through our Netflix subscription primarialy, watch "True Blood," "Big Love," "Weeds," and "Rescue Me" together. So some nights are series nights, nights when we are watching our "TV friends"...people we've invested in, over several years. We watch with excitement and voyeuristic curiosity, to see what they are up to in the messes that are their lives. These shows require time to watch and discuss, and usually a couple of glasses of wine.

Then there is our food/travel obsession so we do our Anthony Bourdain, and Dahani Jones, and Adam Richman, on Travel Channel and Food TV, pretty religiously. These shows may require wine, or beer, and certainly, snacks.

Well, I got to giggling with Tim the other night. We have a Netflix movie that has been kicking around for a while, "Beer League." Real highbrow entertainment, I know, and the reason it has been around for so long is that it really is a specific type of movie. First of all it certainly requires both of the above mentioned refreshment categories; drinks, preferably beer, of course, and snacks as well. Then we got to laughing because it is a movie that in NO way is going to lead to ANY "extra curricular" activities, if you know what I mean. And, quite frankly, it is nice when your "shows" get you in the mood, at least some of the time. So, as we were deciding to just seal up the movie and send it back, I said to Tim, "We might want to watch it this week, though. My period is due. HEY, maybe that's why they call some movies "Period Pieces!" We cracked ourselves up, and it might be gross and disgusting, but come on, you know you have your period undies in the back of your undie drawer...I have a point, don't I?

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