Thursday, August 5, 2010

"Friends with Pools"

I know I have been off the radar for a couple of days, but I have a good excuse. I have great friends who have great pools. And who doesn't love a friend with a pool? All of the fun, none of the upkeep.

Along with my poolslugging, if I were truly to admit to my sloth of the last two days, I would also have to admit that I was in a pool, or sleeping and waking up slowly/putting on my jammies and reading late into the night, so much that I wore the same outfit for two days! I guess we are into full disclosure now, but then again, when have I been one to hold back? It's nothing that shocking, I know, but now I am feeling the need to explain myself.

Yesterday my outfit, that mind you I did not put on until noon, took me to Auburn, then hung on a hook in Kathy's bathroom all day, whilst I spent my time swimming and talking and eating and drinking in her pool. Today, as I was getting ready to spend the day with Sue, not knowing quite what we'd do with "Our Day" but knowing it PROBABLY would come down to wine in the pool, I threw on that same outfit. Today, at least my outfit got to see "The Press Box" for lunch, but then, again, it hung in Sue's kids' bathroom for the rest of the day, as we soaked up the sun and the wine and the laughter in her pool, and talked about anything and everything and nothing all at once.

I suppose to wrap up, I ought to let you know, on the topic of pools, I have a lot of issues. (Is there anything she DOESN'T have issues about you all ask? But I am telling you, this one is legit!) Observe first of all that I am a Pisces, through and through, always have been, always will be...two fish, swimming in opposite directions. And I wonder why I can't make a decision? Then there is the fact that I was on the Highschool swim team sophomore-senior years. Finally, and probably most scarringly, there is the fact that the gorgeous pool my parents chose to put in, they, essentially, put in AFTER I graduated Highschool! I ask myself regularly, why don't I have a pool of MY OWN? But, on days like today, and yesterday, I know why. Instead, I have the BEST FRIENDS EVER, and lucky for me, they have GREAT POOLS!

Nuff said!


  1. Talking about EVERYTHING, ANYTHING and NOTHING all at other words, just a little whine between friends!
