Well, I know you all are waiting with baited breath, and I have to share that I did, in fact, make it through my big bad day at work. Got up at 7:30 even...that is like a full hour to hour and a half earlier than I am used to rising these days, sad, I know, but true. It felt pretty good, actually, to be able to get up, get going, and be productive all day. Of course I came home and crashed on the couch with my new Glamour magazine for like an hour afterwards, but, let's face facts, I probably would have done that anyways. It really was nice to see my new team, and to tackle my new curriculum, and then, to have the gift of an hour or so to unpack 10 or so boxes in my new room.
Newness, it seems, is going to be a big theme for the start of this school year. Being that there was no administrator in our building today, we all "toured" a bit, even though it is the big no no to even darken the door in the midst of all the construction. It was kind of exciting, the place and the changes I mean, not just the bucking of authority. The place has been bandaid beige for as long as I have worked there, and now the color theme is blues, with some blocks of other colors in the floor tiles. The playground looks amazing, and the cafeteria is almost headed towards posh, well, for an elementary school cafeteria. No place I'd wish to dine, mind you, particularly once you add the gross out factor of the kids into the mix, but still, the improvements that were promised look like they are really going to come true. I can't imagine how it is all going to be done in 3 weeks, but whatever happens there will happen. None of us can control what is or is not done, but at least what is there will be pretty cool...better to go on the energy of that than get bogged down in the negatives.
You know, I almost hate to say this, but I am almost charged up for the school year to start. Almost. I think it is going to be a great new year, at a new grade level. I was ready for some new...ready for some change...but there are still three solid weeks and then some of summer to drink in. That fact makes me think I ought to leave it at just that. Almost. And almost feels pretty good. Sometimes pretty good is good enough.
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