Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Had such a good time tonight watching the Rockefeller Center Tree lighting on TV with Gwynn. I mean, even if it was highly commercialized, with all the people singing (or not so much singing but lip synching) that have current holiday CD's out, it still was fun. She is SO me sometimes, professing "I just love Christmas music...and that one song..."It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year?" well, HELLO, it IS!" Love that little girl! Devin even came over and joined us towards the end, when they started to hype the 36,000 lights. I mean, that has always been his thing..."Light On, Light Off..." Tim was out having his Ducks Unlimited Wrap Up dinner at Red Sun in Oswego. He may have missed the holiday music fest, but I am afraid to inform him that the rest of his crew is ready to haul out the holly! Decorations go up tomorrow...we NEED a little CHRISTMAS!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Yep, sick hubby last night, so still didn't get too much sleep. But, fortunately, my student teacher started with "the whole show" today, so it was a pretty easy day to get through for me. She did a nice job, too. It is always so hard, when you are first starting out teaching, to stay on a schedule, and she did very well. I on the other hand, emailed with mom about Christmas stuff, cyber shopped a little, organized my files, returned and checked out more books at the library, went through boxes, etc. It was really nice to be able to do the stuff I keep putting off. So, to my ST, for accepting the irony that is paying the college to come and do MY job, thanks! I gift you my classroom, and in turn accept the gift you give me...TIME.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

And we ease into Sunday night pretty sure we have a sick husband on our hands. Aargh! I guess I should resolve myself to being next. I hate that "waiting for the other shoe to drop" feeling.

Did have a nice night, though, driving home from Lansing, in the dark, singing along to our new Glee Christmas CD, and seeing holiday lights everywhere. It really is the most wonderful time of the year...

at least once everyone gets HEALTHY DAMNIT!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Ahhh, great moments in parenting. You didn't hear from me yesterday as we were knee deep in vomit. Yeah, good times. Devin started at 11, Gwynn chimed in around 1, and we were up with one or the other the rest of the night, with the last bout being around 6 am. Ummm, yeah, that bad. As I lay in bed, delerious, next to Tim at one point I said, "In all these years I don't think we have ever had them both sick, and this sick, at the same time." Milestones. Gotta love 'em. We seem to be on the mend this evening, which seems like noon since we didn't even crawl out of bed today until about 11:30, so I suppose I should just be thankful for that. Sigh. I am ready for Thanksgiving to be over.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade
Sweet rolls
Wine with Family
A brand new baby nephew
Turkey and all the fixins
Pies aplenty
These are the things I am thankful for today.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

...ahhhh, the peace that comes from being at your mom's house and being taken care of. That never goes away. That is what I am thankful for on this Thanksgiving Eve.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

After all the hard work of the last couple of days, the universe sent my reward.

It has been noted that I spent a while looking for pencil skirts to no avail. I found one, finally, at Macy's on Veteran's Day. Low and behold, another one came my way tonight. Then to top it all off, at the marked down price, and with a $15 off coupon, JCPenney's pretty much paid ME to take the skirt off their hands! $5.39! Seriously!

Ya gotta love a bargain!

Monday, November 22, 2010

...wait, yesterday in my blog post did I say 11 evening parent/teacher conferences? I miss spoke. It was 13! PLUS 3 in the afternoon. Yeah, needless to say, I am all out of words.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I got to thinking today, would my life really be all that different right now if I HAD married John Taylor from Duran Duran? That was the plan you know, very well mapped out when I was in 7th grade. I had it organized right down to our children's names, two kids, a boy and a girl. So, check, seems I covered that, eh?

I suppose I would be a little more worldly and well traveled but when I do get out and about, I navigate an airport just fine. So even if I am behind in miles, I make up for it by being tall and particularly well appointed for scoping out flight information on monitors. At least I look the part of seasoned traveler.

Now, one differential would be less wine consumption for me, as I hear JT is now a recovering alcoholic/addict with some rehab behind him, but, if needed, I guess I could just drink more coffee.

With the other bases covered, how about career. School teacher/Rock star, either way it is that daily grind of performing...your life blood that concurrently sucks the life right out of you. The gruling schedules so similar. Late nights in concert compare to 11 back to back conferences, which face me tomorrow night.

And interestingly, JT has gone away from and back to his band the same number of times I have left and come back to teaching. Uncanny? I would say not. I knew all along. It was all part of the plan.

Now, we look to a new DD album coming out in December, and on the heels of that I will turn 40 and enter the next phase of my life. What will the new DD album bring, what will my 40's bring? None of us know, but the new song implores that "All You Need is Now," so maybe I will go with that.

No, my life wouldn't have been all that different if I had married John.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

"Saturday Randomness"

Oooh, boy and we were full of randomness today. Tim was off hunting, so I had to get up early (7:30...I know...lame) and get the kiddies going. Gwynn needed to be at the High School to play her sax at the Red Creek Christmas Craft Fair. While she was there Devin and I went out to breakfast at McDonald's. It was nice to spend time just us. Then when we went back we toured the crafts, and picked up some fun Christmas gifts and such. I am always impressed by the talent of some people, and also by the turnout our little community gets for this craft fair. While I consider myself creative, I am NOT a crafty creative type. I mean, a friend of mine made these cute reindeer wreaths out of kids hats and mittens. Who knew?

Then the afternoon was upon us, full of possibility, but Gwynn and I ended up curled up under blankets watching the musical concert of "Chess." It is such an amazing musical too. Anyone who loved Abba, or who is into the show "Mamma Mia" should check this out. The men from Abba wrote it. The music is amazing, and the story very complex. It was a total waste of an afternoon but a great waste if I do say so myself.

Our diet today, on this day of sloth, has been replete with such delicacies as boxed mac and cheese and canned ravioli! True confessions here...I don't cook well all the time. And I always have a soft spot for Chef Boyardee. I recall one pizzeria we used to order from in college that we got specifically because their sauce tasted like Chef Boyardee! What refined palates!

Then again, I suppose a day of sloth is valid after taking in the fine film "Hot Tub Time Machine" last night! You know, John Cusak is so wonderful. If I happen upon many of his films, "Say Anything," "Sixteen Candles," "High Fidelity," "Serendipity," I will immediately be sucked into their vortex of favored 80's actor energy. This one was a trip, literally and figuratively, and had a lot of thoughts to ponder to boot. I suppose that means it is now added to my list of movies I will waste an afternoon with again and again.

Wonder what is on cable tonight?

Friday, November 19, 2010

SO, humorously enough, I found my coconut while driving to school at 8 this morning. Seriously. As I came up over a small crest in the road, and could see the line of demarcation between the snow that fell in Red Creek but not in Fair Haven, BOB FREAKING MARLEY came on the radio! Winter Wonderland outside, tropical island in my van, the veritable definition of "Found the Coconut!"

"One Love, One Heart, Let's get together and feel alright..."

Does it get any better than that? Subsequently, the day sailed by, as I body surfed my students' energy, and got a ton done. Then it was home to takeout, "Charlie Brown Thanksgiving," and, once the kids get in bed, "Hot Tub Time Machine" for Tim and me. I'd have to say it was a good day. Happy Friday Everyone!

(Oh, and in the "credit where credit is due" department, I got the body surfing reference from Sue...it's always fun in the ART room after all!)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Have got to blog this, even though it is dumb, but I found the coconut yet again today. We had Monday's musical coconut on Live From Daryl's House with Neon Trees. Then there was Tuesday's SAMOAS Girls Scout cookie extravaganza. Today, Tim brought home pet shampoo eager to show me he got the "shed control" variety. All I could see was that it was COCONUT VERBENA scented! Will it make me volunteer to bathe the dog more? No. But it sure did provide a good giggle. Happy Thursday Slide everyone. Friday is just around the corner, and then we count the days to Thanksgiving. Yippee!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I'm a natural born talker. I was nicknamed "Motor Mouth" in Kindergarten. I have a blog for goodness sake. Funny though, life has, lately, had me in the role of listener. It has been pretty much the only way I have been able to help someone that I love like a sister, and I do so hope it has been enough. I hope it continues to be enough.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hmmm, I have said before that my blog, and more specifically the habit of writing everyday, makes me see the world differently. I don't go through my days unaware. I am continually examining, evaluating, thinking "Now THAT could be my blog." Well, when Tim came home with Girl Scout cookies tonight, I got, immediately, happy. Then I realized that my favorites had gone back to their rightful name, Samoas, and I got happier.

At that point, I knew Samoas would be my blog tonight.

But wait, the random thought ramble doesn't end there! There's more. I am now in a cookie coma, and at my happiest as I realize, I have found the coconut yet again tonight. Coconut cookies on a Tuesday. Even if it is rainy, cold and dark outside, I am feeling the sunshine. Last week I had two Fridays with Veterans' Day off midweek. This week, it is as if the universe is sending me a week full of Coconut Fridays?! We will see. How will I find the coconut of Wednesday?

Monday, November 15, 2010

...sorry, too busy to blog tonight. It's the 15th of the month. New "Live From Daryl's House." I warned ya last night! Funny though, the food segment had them making Thai Coconut Shakes! Hello! Found the coconut, on a Monday? Who knew! New band to check out to boot. Neon Trees. Feels like I am starting the week off right. Thanks Daryl!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What do we do to remain relevant in our lives, in our relationships, in our careers?

Got to thinking about this while watching "Behind the Music Remastered : Hall and Oates" this morning, on blessed DVR. They are such an amazing duo, and this whole remastered series takes old Behind the Music episodes, but updates them with a little "so, where are they NOW?" action. Hall and Oates, of course, have become relevant due to Live From Daryl's House, Daryl Hall's self crafted masterpiece of a monthly webcast. I've mentioned it before, but it is so brilliant I will sing its praises again. He hangs at home, brings in a caterer, or some wine folk, and plays amazing music, in his home studio/barn, with current groups like Train, Fall Out Boy, Parachute, Kenny Wayne,Diane Birch, the list goes on. Much like Santana, or Clapton, he has made his music fresh by allowing it to be re-interpreted by the new guard. And, really, isn't that what we all need to do, to stay current in our careers? Those of us that have been around the block so to speak have the knowledge and expertise, but we stagnate unless we continue to connect, unless we stay open, unless we welcome the future. I work with practicum students and student teachers every year, in part, for this reason. Staying on top of what is being taught in the world of higher education, and aware of how the new generation of teachers work, keeps me on my toes in ways beyond what the NYS department of education and their whimsy of change does.

I have felt, for the past several years, that in some ways I would welcome some sort of career change. I feel restless. I like what I do, really, and I am good at it. I AM a teacher, I just AM. It is who I have always been, it is who I always will be, I am certain, in one way or another. And in a bad economy, I have a ridiculously secure job. Who would walk away from a good salary, with tenure, close to the top of a senority list? A crazy person, that's who! And, again, as I said before, I LIKE my job. The question that remains is that of relevance. I have taught, in general, the same age kids, at the same school, for 17 years now. How do I still stay current? How do I maintain creativity? How do I enjoy the benefits of having been at something long enough that I really CAN do it with both my hands tied behind my back, without getting into the bad, bad habit of cranking it out, year after year?

Enter Hall and Oates. After immersing myself in the stories of their songs again this morning, I set off for the grocery store, and dialed my iPod to their catalog, happy enough to enjoy them, again, for the millionth time. Still, no matter the times I listen to some songs, they continually speak to me anew. This time, it was "Do What You Want, Be Who You Are." It hit me like a ton of bricks, to use a cliche. I mean, really, could it be any simpler? I need to do what I want, but still, be who I am. I want to write. I want to teach kids to write. I want to learn more about teaching kids to write. But you know what? I AM a teacher. There are always opportunities to move ON in education. I could be a principal and lead. I could be a curriculum coordinator. I could become a teacher of teachers and do professional development. But I don't want that. That is not who I AM. I want to write and I want to teach. I am already doing both. Now, I just need to see how to do both in a way that helps me to move forward. Helps me to stay relevant. Helps me to continue to grow.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

In cleaning out Gwynn's room last weekend, I brought a bunch of photo boxes, that had been in "hiding" behind her bed, downstairs. I figured I would go through a box a night and just thin them out, get rid of bad shots, and doubles and such. Needless to say, the boxes ended up going right back up to our attic dormer storage, unchanged, but boy, did I have a good time looking through them. They are boxes that go from my first instamatic camera as a kid, right up through 04-05 or so, when I was beginning the transition to entirely digital photography. Those years were tough, too, as I had a 7 year old and a 4 year old, and insisted on taking along the digital camera AND the snapshot film Olympus, AND the 35 mm Nikon SLR PRETTY much everywhere. I didn't trust the digital to meet my expectations, so I would shoot with it, then do backup shots with the other cameras. Funny! I think about it now, and it is exhausting, but then it is just what I needed to do, as the mom, as the family photographer, to preserve our moments, to document our children, ourselves, our family, growing. I had to be sure I didn't miss, or in the end, forget, a thing.

While pawing through the boxes, I thanked the storage gods for the transition to digital. Talk about the lessening of clutter! I often joke, though, about the fact that our children will have totally warped views of their growing up years. They look practically perfect in every way. You never take a bad picture anymore, you know? Everyone has the opportunity to check the LCD screen, and if they blinked, or have an odd expression, it is so easy to delete, and re-do. In the end, you have picture perfect memories, of picture perfect moments, of a picture perfect upbringing. Whoo boy, I see years of therapy later.

But, you know, really, as I looked through these old film shots, I saw very few bad ones. Sure there were bad clothes and the house looked a little bit the worse for wear. But, I saw genuine happiness in people's faces, kids beaming, grandparents swelling with joy. I saw happily tired faces on myself and Tim, not so different from now. I saw the funniest moments with our oldest and dearest friends, and their children, all of whom I miss everyday, and don't get to see nearly as much as I would like to. No, we couldn't delete and re-shoot back then, but maybe we never really needed to. Maybe it has been perfect, all along.

Friday, November 12, 2010

...it does seem that there IS an amount of wine that will make a Disney version of Camelot tolerable. "Avalon High" on Disney Channel was our big family movie night tonight, and really, it was pretty fun. The big twist of the female main character being a reincarnation of Arthur was a good one. So here's to Friday #2 of the week! A little sniffly and sick, to tell the truth, but under the Cymbalta blanket, with my family, a bottle of red, pizza and a movie, Life is still good.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I am reminded today of one of my favorite words...

Serendipity [ser-uhn-dip-i-tee] –noun
1.an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.
2.good fortune; luck: the serendipity of getting the first job she applied for.

This word and I go way back...to elementary school days even, when the reading series we used had leveled readers entitled, among others, Lions, Tigers, Voyages, and, the ending volume I do believe, Serendipity. We, naturally, learned the definition of the word, and it has always stayed with me. I try to look at the world with wonder. I try to see the miracles that unfold around all of us, every minute, every day. Perhaps it is my fondness of this word that has always made it a word that has worked FOR me. I have had wonderful, long lasting friendships, my whole life. I had the good fortune of marrying my best friend. I came from a wonderful family, and gained more wonderful family through that marriage. I did, in fact, get the first (real) job I applied for, and even bought the first house we looked at. It is a word that could be used, over and over again, in the story of my life.

Today, with heavy machinery installing sewar lines in front of our house all day, on our blissful, midweek, I suppose you could even say, serendipitous, Veteren's Day off, Gwynn and I decided to go do some shopping...merely to escape the noise. Don't you know, because I was not really looking, I found two things that I have had an eye out for, tall black boots, and a pencil skirt...in a black and grey leopard print no less...a "two for" trendy wardrobe piece!

Yep, while shopping, serendipity was certainly on my side.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ahhhh, a mid week Friday night...how can you go wrong? We have Veteran's Day off tomorrow, so I have declared tonight Pseudo Friday. Went to a candle party at Jill's with Sue, picked up a box of wine on the way home, and am getting ready to settle in with Wednesday night ABC shows on DVR. It doesn't get any better than that, and we have another Friday night just waiting in the wings. As much as I was hating on October, so far, I am loving November. Bliss!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Again, what I am teaching my own students about writing is coming up in my writing life as well. We are working on writing about firsts and lasts. After all, we are surrounded by them all the time if we just open our eyes to them. I am still processing the last moments that Gwynn didn't "know" about Santa, and surely there will be more about that soon, as it was a very bittersweet last. But if you are paying attention, with lasts come firsts as well. Tonight, I had my first night picking up Devin from sports practice after school. He decided to join the bowling team, so there I was, sitting in my car, in the dark, alongside all the other sports parents, waiting for him to emerge from the High school. He walked over to the car, got in, professed that he was STARVING, and rattled on and on all the way home about practice, and what he'd learned, and what he would need. It was just such fun to see and hear him so engaged and excited about something new. That, after all, is what firsts are all about.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The southern girl in me showed up tonight. I made sausage gravy and biscuits for dinner. Oh, and it was luscious too! SO unhealthy, but SO yummy, and once in a while, that is A-OK if you ask me.

It is funny, because Tim always alludes to me as "Cheryl Lynn," with a southern drawl, and my dad's family is originally from the Blue Ridge Mountain area, more so "the holler" in Virginia, so the roots are there. But seriously, I didn't grow up in a home steeped in southern values and food or anything. In fact, I only traveled to see those relatives once or twice in my childhood. Those trips weren't even necessarily good memories. One involved a bad experience with a cousin who dared me to eat dog food, and another, a tick in a rather embarrassing place. Still, with all of that baggage, I am just drawn, at times, to southern cooking. Bring on the grits! Bring on the greens! Pile up the fried chicken, and if it's gonna be pie, may it be pecan!

And be sure to have #911 on speed dial!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

...and another weekend comes and goes. Didn't really have a good plan for today, and I have had a nagging headache all weekend, so I am feeling a little Sunday grumpy, but I think it is a valid excuse.

I'd say that today was a good day though, overall. Had a very LONG church service, but then both the kids had friends over to play. I headed out to get groceries, and also to JC Penney to spend my "$10 off a purchase of $10 or more" free money coupon. Got a couple of cute sweaters, so, naturally, I spent more than the $10, but isn't that just what those savvy marketers hoped for? It was disappointing to be foiled, again, by my recent quest to find the right pencil skirt. Am starting to think that maybe they just aren't "me." But then again, it is also hard to try them on in socks, with no hosiery, and without heels. The quest continues.

Came home and made Turkey Pumpkin Chili, which was quite good, and am about to settle in to some warm apple crisp with maple creme sauce, made by Tim and Gwynn this morning. A sweet end. Hoping maybe that'll chase this nagging headache away.
On to a week with Thursday off...Veterans...thank you!

Saturday, November 6, 2010


You are actually sitting in the other room right now, watching some scene from Camp Rock . And I find it ironic, in a way, that I tried to shield you from that whole movie franchise, since it started with High School Musical when you were 6. Then you shielded yourself by the age of 8 or so. And tonight, we had "the talk" about Santa, because you were asking questions and it just seemed right, and you, in turn, tonight, are watching Camp Rock. Still, your reaction to me destroying your entire magical belief system made me think I probably could've ridden the wave of your unbridled innocence for another year or so. But no. When it is time it is time, and, it was time.

Parenting is such a strange task. At first you are given the responsibility of raising a being that would LITERALLY die without your intervention. Then, a turning point happens, where the being can survive on its own, and your task, as parent, becomes making very important decisions that impact its moral and internal fiber until it is able to make said decisions on its own. I am making you sound like some being from a sci fi movie now, but, moments like this one, as a parent, throw everything off kilter.

I think I need a glass of wine,

Friday, November 5, 2010

Found the coconut tonight, for sure, and all it took was some magazine time, Chinese take out for dinner, and a long phone call with Sue. It is amazing how zen and relaxed I am. I barely have the energy to move my fingers on these keys. With that said, goodnight...I am off to begin sleeping away my weekend. And there is one extra hour this weekend to boot! It doesn't get any better than that! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I have decided what I want for Christmas, Santa...a Barnes and Noble Nook Color!

It is a phenomenon that happens every year around here as the holidays approach. Panicking at the inevitable Christmas influx of stuff, I start to HAUL OUT our house. I spent tonight cleaning out the computer room. I helped Gwynn weed through her roll top desk. I had attacked our desk on Tuesday. Even after that, though, there are some shelves that still need a little attention, and books that really do need some more thinning out. As I cleaned I got to thinking that I not only want, but need more digital media storage capability. I have been watching Nooks and iPads and Kindles for while, and the Nook Color, released this week, just looks like it would fit the bill. I mean, in a perfect world, I'd love a real library. Just thinking of the floor to ceiling bookshelves, and one of those cool laddars on tracks, makes me fantasize about riding said ladder, while reading, or perhaps breaking into song! What a day that would be! But we don't live in that world. We are swiftly becomeing 4 full sized adults, each with their own cache of "stuff," living in a moderately sized and closet impaired farmhouse. Right now, as I look to my side, I see scads of books crowding my bookshelf. I can't part with them, but if I could "save" some digitally, well, let's just say I envision that it would do for my reading habit the same thing my iPod did for my music habit. I buy actual CDs only occationally, but download constantly. And it adds NO clutter to my home. Sure, it contributes clutter to my mind, and to my "things that allow me to waste time," but hey, if you ask me, life is for wasting time, as long as you are doing the things you love to waste time doing!

So Santa, have I made a good enough case? Can I have a Nook for Christmas?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Had a funny moment last night at 3 am. There was a not so small child standing by my side of the bed saying "Mom, I have a nosebleed." As I came to a bit more, I realized it was Gwynn, and at the same time had the odd realization, yet again, of how similar my kids voices sound. I know this will change in the near future, as Devin's voice makes that awkward descent into adolescence, but for now, at least in a sleep induced fog, it is a tough call. I rolled out of bed, and went with her to the bathroom where I was thankful, yet again, for those compact fluorescent bulbs, and the fact that they warm up, slowly, just like my eyes.

In a rare moment of good middle of the night parenting, I decided to stay up with Gwynn for a bit, just to be sure this nosebleed stopped. So, once she was cleaned up, I sat down on the toilet seat, flicked the lights back off, and held her on my lap by the dim glow of the nightlight. It was still and quiet, and I just held her close and went into that automatic motion of rocking her back and forth. My mind went back, even there in the upstairs bathroom, the "in major need of a makeover" room that I loathe most in our home, to peaceful times. In an instant, I remembered her infant days, and her soft weight in my lap as I gave her a bottle. I recalled times on the edge of her bed, rubbing her tummy so she could fall asleep. I remembered "bad dream" episodes, irritating at the time, and sometimes taking place several nights a week.

Pretty quickly, it seemed, her nosebleed was under control. As we headed back to her bed, I really felt like I'd almost like to be invited to stay, for a while. To rub a tummy. To smooth her silk soft hair. But in the instant that I tucked her back in bed, she said, "Thanks, I'm OK now Mom," curled up, rolled over, and went back to sleep.

At times, I get annoyed that I am the default parent. Tim is 110% involved with our kids, and in all aspects of their care, but for some reason, when there is a need, it is always "MOM!" It never fails. And last night, when that not so small child beckoned at the side of my bed, my first thought was "Why do you NEVER go to your dad?" But do you want to know my final thought, as I drifted back to sleep myself? What a true blessing it is in this life, just to be needed.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I am a little ashamed about what I have to admit to tonight. Transparency in government, yeah we need it, but you know you always get transparency here in my blog. I tried to be a bad citizen, I really did, but I am such a simple human being. I am so not a bad girl...my good girl side always wins.

Tonight, I was not in the mood to go out to vote. I am well aware that we are electing a new governor and all, but it is a shoe in for Cuomo...hello, NY always goes Democrat. Then there were a bunch of positions in our area running uncontested. There was one Congressional seat I was marginally concerned about, but I was willing, this time, to send Tim out to vote, stay home myself in my warm cozies, and know that he was voting the same way I intended. Do know, please, and it is no excuse, really, but our polling place is a 50 minute round trip. Yeah, the joys of country living.

So, I had almost lamed out. I had almost justified enough to weasel out of my civic duty, then, I logged on to Facebook, and saw the little I VOTED button. I wanted to click it. I wanted to click it so badly, but I am one of those people who is just plain a horrible liar. SO, I treckked out, and made the 20 minute excursion to my polling place, and I placed my vote. I muddled through the new voting chaos. I got my sticker, and put it on my shirt. Then I made the 20 minute trip home. Really, 50 minutes...but at least I was able to click that damn button. Thank you, Facebook, for making me be a better American citizen. It was important. It was worth it.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday Monday...can't trust that day.

Went into it feeling great, actually. I got to put on a cute outfit, finally, after all last week wearing "theme clothes" for "Just Say No to Drugs" week. Also, finally got to wear my new shoes, purchased on Sue's and my post book group shopping spree.

In the middle, I realized, suddenly, even after reminder post cards and confirmation phone calls, that I had to actually take tomorrow off - dental appointments for me and the kids - which made me happy in a way, but annoyed to have to get sub plans together, quickly. DUH.

Ended the day with stomach cramps. I seem to have recovered...and they were probably just a reaction to too much chocolate yesterday, or to my frantic stupidity, but still, Monday is a fickle, fickle day.

Think I will call it a night...and sleep off more of this chocolate. No alarm tomorrow, either. Bliss. Gonna ride into Tuesday, on through Wednesday, to the Thursday slide. Anyone have weekend plans yet?