Thursday, November 11, 2010

I am reminded today of one of my favorite words...

Serendipity [ser-uhn-dip-i-tee] –noun aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.
2.good fortune; luck: the serendipity of getting the first job she applied for.

This word and I go way elementary school days even, when the reading series we used had leveled readers entitled, among others, Lions, Tigers, Voyages, and, the ending volume I do believe, Serendipity. We, naturally, learned the definition of the word, and it has always stayed with me. I try to look at the world with wonder. I try to see the miracles that unfold around all of us, every minute, every day. Perhaps it is my fondness of this word that has always made it a word that has worked FOR me. I have had wonderful, long lasting friendships, my whole life. I had the good fortune of marrying my best friend. I came from a wonderful family, and gained more wonderful family through that marriage. I did, in fact, get the first (real) job I applied for, and even bought the first house we looked at. It is a word that could be used, over and over again, in the story of my life.

Today, with heavy machinery installing sewar lines in front of our house all day, on our blissful, midweek, I suppose you could even say, serendipitous, Veteren's Day off, Gwynn and I decided to go do some shopping...merely to escape the noise. Don't you know, because I was not really looking, I found two things that I have had an eye out for, tall black boots, and a pencil a black and grey leopard print no less...a "two for" trendy wardrobe piece!

Yep, while shopping, serendipity was certainly on my side.

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