"Saturday Randomness"
Oooh, boy and we were full of randomness today. Tim was off hunting, so I had to get up early (7:30...I know...lame) and get the kiddies going. Gwynn needed to be at the High School to play her sax at the Red Creek Christmas Craft Fair. While she was there Devin and I went out to breakfast at McDonald's. It was nice to spend time just us. Then when we went back we toured the crafts, and picked up some fun Christmas gifts and such. I am always impressed by the talent of some people, and also by the turnout our little community gets for this craft fair. While I consider myself creative, I am NOT a crafty creative type. I mean, a friend of mine made these cute reindeer wreaths out of kids hats and mittens. Who knew?
Then the afternoon was upon us, full of possibility, but Gwynn and I ended up curled up under blankets watching the musical concert of "Chess." It is such an amazing musical too. Anyone who loved Abba, or who is into the show "Mamma Mia" should check this out. The men from Abba wrote it. The music is amazing, and the story very complex. It was a total waste of an afternoon but a great waste if I do say so myself.
Our diet today, on this day of sloth, has been replete with such delicacies as boxed mac and cheese and canned ravioli! True confessions here...I don't cook well all the time. And I always have a soft spot for Chef Boyardee. I recall one pizzeria we used to order from in college that we got specifically because their sauce tasted like Chef Boyardee! What refined palates!
Then again, I suppose a day of sloth is valid after taking in the fine film "Hot Tub Time Machine" last night! You know, John Cusak is so wonderful. If I happen upon many of his films, "Say Anything," "Sixteen Candles," "High Fidelity," "Serendipity," I will immediately be sucked into their vortex of favored 80's actor energy. This one was a trip, literally and figuratively, and had a lot of thoughts to ponder to boot. I suppose that means it is now added to my list of movies I will waste an afternoon with again and again.
Wonder what is on cable tonight?
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