Saturday, November 27, 2010

Ahhh, great moments in parenting. You didn't hear from me yesterday as we were knee deep in vomit. Yeah, good times. Devin started at 11, Gwynn chimed in around 1, and we were up with one or the other the rest of the night, with the last bout being around 6 am. Ummm, yeah, that bad. As I lay in bed, delerious, next to Tim at one point I said, "In all these years I don't think we have ever had them both sick, and this sick, at the same time." Milestones. Gotta love 'em. We seem to be on the mend this evening, which seems like noon since we didn't even crawl out of bed today until about 11:30, so I suppose I should just be thankful for that. Sigh. I am ready for Thanksgiving to be over.

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