Thursday, November 4, 2010

I have decided what I want for Christmas, Santa...a Barnes and Noble Nook Color!

It is a phenomenon that happens every year around here as the holidays approach. Panicking at the inevitable Christmas influx of stuff, I start to HAUL OUT our house. I spent tonight cleaning out the computer room. I helped Gwynn weed through her roll top desk. I had attacked our desk on Tuesday. Even after that, though, there are some shelves that still need a little attention, and books that really do need some more thinning out. As I cleaned I got to thinking that I not only want, but need more digital media storage capability. I have been watching Nooks and iPads and Kindles for while, and the Nook Color, released this week, just looks like it would fit the bill. I mean, in a perfect world, I'd love a real library. Just thinking of the floor to ceiling bookshelves, and one of those cool laddars on tracks, makes me fantasize about riding said ladder, while reading, or perhaps breaking into song! What a day that would be! But we don't live in that world. We are swiftly becomeing 4 full sized adults, each with their own cache of "stuff," living in a moderately sized and closet impaired farmhouse. Right now, as I look to my side, I see scads of books crowding my bookshelf. I can't part with them, but if I could "save" some digitally, well, let's just say I envision that it would do for my reading habit the same thing my iPod did for my music habit. I buy actual CDs only occationally, but download constantly. And it adds NO clutter to my home. Sure, it contributes clutter to my mind, and to my "things that allow me to waste time," but hey, if you ask me, life is for wasting time, as long as you are doing the things you love to waste time doing!

So Santa, have I made a good enough case? Can I have a Nook for Christmas?

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