Monday Monday...can't trust that day.
Went into it feeling great, actually. I got to put on a cute outfit, finally, after all last week wearing "theme clothes" for "Just Say No to Drugs" week. Also, finally got to wear my new shoes, purchased on Sue's and my post book group shopping spree.
In the middle, I realized, suddenly, even after reminder post cards and confirmation phone calls, that I had to actually take tomorrow off - dental appointments for me and the kids - which made me happy in a way, but annoyed to have to get sub plans together, quickly. DUH.
Ended the day with stomach cramps. I seem to have recovered...and they were probably just a reaction to too much chocolate yesterday, or to my frantic stupidity, but still, Monday is a fickle, fickle day.
Think I will call it a night...and sleep off more of this chocolate. No alarm tomorrow, either. Bliss. Gonna ride into Tuesday, on through Wednesday, to the Thursday slide. Anyone have weekend plans yet?
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